EDIT: Changing “worst” to “most boring” .
This is not a bash to Gaga at all!
we’re just looking over the many years of Gaga’s career- and from the perspective of a fan, was 2023 the most slow and boring and uneventful year? AGAIN I’m not saying we deserved anything this year- she deserves time to herself, time offline and away from the spotlight- and I am happy for her that she gets that!!!
but, over the past years, has there been a year as dry as this one? Please correct me if I’m wrong!!
even between albums and tours Gaga has had some live tv performances , interviews, sometimes a small role in a tv show, but 2023 we only got The Rolling Stones song- was this the best year FOR GAGA to get to sit back and relax, and the worst year for us needy greedy hungry Stan’s?