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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

A Mod's G.U.Y. Analysis


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Good a--lysis :applause:

Idk about the part with the Real Housewives, but maybe that's true. This video is AMAZING omg its one of Gaga's best videos so far :ARTPOP:

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Awakened M

#HitThread  :legend:

I'm not getting any sleep tonight because I woke up to a beautiful life. I'm awake.
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Gaga's struggle to her feet reflects her solitude in the battle to be herself in a world where men only want to use her for money. 


Venus, love and the need to rebirth

Neptune Pool is a cesspool for creativity. The HAUS and embryonic creative space bring her and heal her mind and soul - giving her the opportunity to rebirth from a safe space. It is both a funeral to lay to rest the pain of the past and a state of rebirth. 




While she's rebirthing and absent from the music industry, it is taken over by RHOBH like artists - A commentary on mindless money making hollow music


Appear awkward, glitz and glam while faux playing instruments. It is a commentary on shoving mindless and substance-less music down people's throats. If I'm rich, if I can afford it, put me in a music video and make me look musical and professional. It is intentionally awkward. They would know that the blonde lady is playing the cello in the wrong position. 




I'd say this is a totally spot-on a--lysis and totally the same as my understanding of it. 


I actually hadn't realized or considered the meaning for the RHOBH in there. Your a--lysis of it is perfect. I noticed as well that she was playing the cello in the wrong spot, and it makes sense... Putting pretty faces who are talent-less in the performer position because they are superficial and can be controlled. This is a huge part of the meaning of Gaga's expose on the pop music industry, and correlates perfectly with what she was expressing last week during SXSW. 


My only caveat is that "cesspool" isn't a great word to use here because cesspool literally means a pool of human waste and sh!t. I don't see a cesspool being 'rejuvenating & healing' - But definitely her being brought into the Neptune Pool was her place of being rebirthed and healed. 

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It is commentary on the music industry. Anyone who has money can be a pop star (e.g. Paris Hilton). Do they have more musical talent than many struggling artists? No. 




Gaga is making commentary on the difference between creativity & vision oriented ARTISTS (like Gaga, and many others - like John Lennon, Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, etc...) and the sorts of hollow, talentless performers that are put into performer positions because they look pretty and have connections and wealth.. Paris Hilton is a perfect example, but lots of the performers in the pop music industry fill this description - like Britney Spears. 

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I wonder if gaga notices how deep her music video is, or is completely shocked when she reads something like this 

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I wonder if gaga notices how deep her music video is, or is completely shocked when she reads something like this 

She's probably a little shocked if anything. Let again, that's the whole point. 


Even Gaga herself can't/won't explain her videos all that clear anyways. 

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the only issue I have with the RHOBH being a commentary on no-talent, rich people is that it's a little rude to put people in a music video to make fun of them...

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I liked how the Born THis Way video had a narrated part...Kinda wish the g.u.y had one with your exact a--lysis after reading it tbh

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I think your a--lysis is spot-on... 


Here's my 2 cents / a--lysis: 


Lady Gaga's new music video - G.U.Y. - is the clearest embodiment and expression of the Divine Feminine in a pop music video that I've ever seen.

The underlying message of G.U.Y. is clearly anti-patriarchal, and is also a metaphor of the hero's journey (or the heroine's journey). The video to me expresses the rebirth of the Goddess and the empowered reclamation of the divine feminine force of creativity - Shakti.

The video begins with a flurry of men in business suits who have just shot down and nearly killed the winged Gaga, who is a Phoenix barely able to rise from the ash of destruction brought upon her by greedy, corporate men in suits who are running away with bows, arrows and stacks of cash that they celebrate having grabbed as they leave her to die in a pile of smoke. She is barely able to rise to her feet, and struggles to break the arrow that has been shot right through her heart.

This is a metaphor not only for Gaga's own personal devastation brought upon her by corporate music industry managers, and a tour that nearly destroyed her hip - but is also a metaphor for the ravaged Earth that is being destroyed by corporations. Gaga's rise as a phoenix emerging from the ash, is symbolic of the emergence of feminine divinity and the healing of the Goddess from eons of the Patriarchy devouring and consuming feminine creativity, s-xuality and Shakti power.

Gaga is carried and lead to the realm of the Goddess Venus, to be renewed, rejevunated and healed by the cleansing waters of a sacred pool. Her body is renewed by the higher powers of the Goddess.

At this point, we see Gaga claim herself as a "power bottom" receiving s-xual pleasure through being submissive and yet - in control. She is reviving her creative powers through healing her traumatized s-xual past, which she recently confessed was brought on by forced submission to corporate music industry men in suits.

Simultaneously, she is cloning an army of new business men in suits who were imprinted with the blood and DNA of Gandhi, Jesus Christ and Michael Jackson - who have wisdom, compassion and creativity at the forefront of their minds - rather than the old ways of patriarchal greed. She then goes to a corporate business office where she and a group of women take out the old business men in their offices, and kill them.. Metaphorically, taking out the patriarchy and replacing them with the new cloned men imprinted with Gandhi's DNA.

Throughout this video, we see the heroine's journey from destruction and almost death, rising up towards healing and renewal, self-expression, creativity and s-xual ecstasy - and retaliation against the money-hungry evil men who tried to rape, slaughter & roast her like a hog over a spit for their own greed and enjoyment... (ref. SXSW Aura performance)

The Goddess known as Lady Gaga has been resurrected, is fully confident in her creativity and has reclaimed her power.

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