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Nick Knight Shoot- Photoshopped Tattoos.


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Never noticed.

And if that was supposed to be the real Judas cover, why didn't they use it?

what does the Judas cover nave to do with this thread anyway?

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i'm 13. :nails: i would never do d--gs.

Never noticed.

And if that was supposed to be the real Judas cover, why didn't they use it?

what does the Judas cover nave to do with this thread anyway?

i changed the name and took the pic out because everybody was being b---hy about it .

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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I noticed that almost right away, when that photo first came out.

Yeah, I thought there even was a discussion about it... I've known about this ever since it came out :huh:

I love how her arm just cuts off into the jeans.

I think she just put it in her lap, between her legs?
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Lost Weekend

Lmao no, the judas cover is and always has been fake. I can direct you to the person who made it if you'd like

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maybe you're getting it mixed up with littlemonsters.com, it had something like a countdown and a close up picture with prosthetics? it's not like that anymore, but still. idk.

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Interscope ruled over her to use the text cover because it was more attractive. I'm almost positive about that.

Also, yes the tattoos were Photoshopped because of the prosthetic shoulders. Also, if you knew how much they Photoshopped the pictures, you would be surprised. They photoshop out half of her skin, and you just can't notice it because it's black and white plus contract is way up.

Plus the jeans are really fake

No, they're real. They are Vintage Stone Washed Denim Jeans by Beyond Retro. Here's the link http://ladygaga.wikia.com/wiki/Beyond_Retro

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only kinda "website" I can think of that the OP may be on about is the pages made on the ladygaga.com website for each of the singles during video premieres

like http://www.ladygaga.com/judas/

and http://www.ladygaga.com/bornthisway/

except they've been updated since, I remember there was a countdown for BTW

Yeah, it was the judas one, they changed it when the video came out.

anybody knows you can conjure anything by the dark of the moon
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only kinda "website" I can think of that the OP may be on about is the pages made on the ladygaga.com website for each of the singles during video premieres

like http://www.ladygaga.com/judas/

and http://www.ladygaga.com/bornthisway/

except they've been updated since, I remember there was a countdown for BTW

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if they were photoshopping the Dad tat, why didn't they photoshop it back over the prosthetic shoulder? to where it actually is? jeezuz

as for the jeans in that photo being fake, don't we have behind the scenes shots where she's wearing them? + they look fake and flat in black and white because they're those printed jeans. i dont know what they're called. but thats why they look 2D and fake

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