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Song Sounds Eerily Similar to Applause

Willy Wonka

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I can't find many similarities besides the bass synth and chorus build-up, and even if the guy literally listened to Applause and ripped it off, it's still a totally different song. Zedd's Stay The Night verses' melody is the similar to "AR-TP-OP" in Applause too, but things like this happen and the producers don't even notice.

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Using the same synth does not a copy make. The DWUW intro that slays everyone used the same synth as some random other song somebody discovered (er, that's so vague but I can't remember the name of it, it was kind of a big deal for a while if you remember), but nobody here believed that was a copy. You can't have it both ways.


This isn't at all worth getting worked up about. It's actually kind of a good song.



It's more than just the normal build up, it's the exact same timing and everything. 

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Same key and similar bass lines/synths. I can see the similarities... but Applause is still the better song  :manicure:

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It's more than just the normal build up, it's the exact same timing and everything. 

oh my god you guys seriously, stop trying to have this debate with me. I've listened to the songs. They don't sound that much alike. You're like the Madonna stans right now. Take a page out of Slayra's book, recognize that similarities exist but that it's not a big deal, and move on.

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You're not the only one. But I think we're the only ones :toofunny:


You're absolutely right, though. But get ready to be quoted like five times telling you you're wrong :party:




It's true though. Just because the beat of a song progresses similarly to another song (which most pop/radio songs do) doesn't make them a rip-off of each other. Like you said, "it's textbook."

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nice try but no.

Same chord progression, similar synths, similar melodies, I mean :blehga: Born This Way obviously is better and more modern but they are indeed VERY VERY similar.

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oh my god you guys seriously, stop trying to have this debate with me. I've listened to the songs. They don't sound that much alike. You're like the Madonna stans right now. Take a page out of Slayra's book, recognize that similarities exist but that it's not a big deal, and move on.

:golfclap: True, true

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