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Gypsy REMOVED from Interscopes Promo Page Playlist

Electric Venus

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Dean Winchester

between Dope and Gypsy.... Gypsy is the one that should be the single... but I will always love Venus even if it will never be a single   :emo:   :emo:

Gaga didnt say it was between Dope and Gypsy only  :toofunny: the fan asked her "Which one is the single: Dope or Gypsy?" and apparently she responded that she wants to keep the next single a surprise.  So technically it doesn't have to to be either  :laughga: Anyways, #JusticeForVenus  :staymad:

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SHe needs to make something new as a single, not Gypsy... We dont need a song which she already performed 1001 times...  :redface:

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...And replaced with GUY 8f70c6ea.gif

We can only dream. :giveup: That song is too good, too catchy, has the character of Venus, but with none of the mess of Venus, and thus is never going to happen. :cry:

If there must be a ballad for single 3 it has got to be Gypsy. I seriously cannot with this era anymore if Dope is chosen.

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