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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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I'm in work and I'm just blasting MTN, I'm getting everyone hyped in the office too. If she releases the single, im going out tonight and getting so f--kd up

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Disco Heaven

Today is gonna be BIG.

Either GGD will explode because of ARTPOP related stuff or info,
either it will drown in the biggest meltdown ever, 100x worst than Skypeball day.


It's gonna be entertaining either way! :ARTPOP:

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Does anyone have any ideas about when she will tweet? Like midnight tonight? Or tomorrow? 


Or never :megaflop:

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inb4 Gaga doesn't tweet tomorrow, but Tara does.



Gags played #ARTPOP for the entire haus! What a great day #soon


I would die :rip:

"Who are we, if not slaves to this torment?"
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-Lady Gaga announces on twitter that she has secretly replaced Benedict Cumberbatch in The Desolation of Smaug and is playing the character of Smaug.


-Lady Gaga announces on her twitter that she has impregnated Harry Styles

                              -Taylor Kinney is not amused


-Lady Gaga announces on twitter a subliminal message

bow down to me, your lord savior Satan


-Lady Gaga deletes twitter, announces that ARTPOP announcements will now be done via friendster


-Lady Gaga announces new ARTPOP information via Jurassic Park fan-fiction


-Lady Gaga attempts to tweet ARTPOP news, but twitter shuts down


3 points in and ready for more
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Does anyone have any ideas about when she will tweet? Like midnight tonight? Or tomorrow? 


Or never :megaflop:

she didn't announce that she'd have an announcement, so where just going on ARTPOP's "possibilities"  tumblr_luh2t8CTXF1qbiuuv.gif

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Blue Dream

-Lady Gaga announces on twitter that she has secretly replaced Benedict Cumberbatch in The Desolation of Smaug and is playing the character of Smaug.


-Lady Gaga announces on her twitter that she has impregnated Harry Styles

                              -Taylor Kinney is not amused


-Lady Gaga announces on twitter a subliminal message

bow down to me, your lord savior Satan


-Lady Gaga deletes twitter, announces that ARTPOP announcements will now be done via friendster


-Lady Gaga announces new ARTPOP information via Jurassic Park fan-fiction


-Lady Gaga attempts to tweet ARTPOP news, but twitter shuts down




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I purposely planned my surgery for tomorrow so that I can just sit in bed and read these meltdowns.....BETTER THAN NETFLIX.

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I would advise you guys to calm down lol. Hoping we get news, but I doubt it. After the Skype Ball, I gave up haha. I hope Princess Die makes it on the album!

Human generated art
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