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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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In terms of release, etc, she'll be back up and running in around 4 months.

Feb, march, april, may.

So, there's no reason she needs to actually promote the lead single other than some TV interviews and acoustic performances, which she'll be sat for - then in June, when she'll be well past fully recovered, they can shoot the video - which she will have had time to plan thoroughly - and put it out.

It's not really a huge disaster for ARTPOP, if anything, it means she'll have time to put together more cohesive video scripts so we don't end up with TEOG or You and I again (although I love the imagery in You and I).

If needs must, she can release little snippets of the lead single during her injury to get people hyped, then release it when she's cleared to dance again, and put the single right out there. Promo doesn't always have to mean a tv performance - that's what people hated about Gaga during BTW, she was on every TV show a billion times and had an interview then performed - it got repetitive and boring. It was absolute oversaturation for the GP.

If I were in charge of this, I'd do this:

Now until April: Rest, recouperation, polishing vocals, working a little on fine details - promo planning, video scripts, contacting set designers etc.

April & May: Hype the holy hell out of the lead single. Tweet a set prop, some lyrics, an instrumental with just the vocal hook on there, release some artwork, whatever.

May: Release the lead single, do some non-physical promo - this means TV interviews (but keep it sparse, don't go on every damn show) and maybe the odd acoustic performance of the single.

June: Release the video - if she isn't ready to dance, then don't dance. She didn't dance much in Eh Eh or, oddly enough, Just Dance. Find a way around it.

June - July: Remain in rehabilitation for the injury, get learning the choreo and then press on with single 2 plans and/or promo for the album.

It's really not that devastating. If we look at it positively, the only thing she can't do is physically perform uptempo and dance. She barely danced at all at Glastonbury, for example, so why should this restrict her if she chooses to do some promo performances for a lead single in a few months time? It won't.

Jessie J continued a whole tour with a broken ankle, I'm pretty sure Gaga can hire a thrown to sit on while she sings for a couple of performances.

The main thing here, though, is that if she puts out ARTPOP, where does that leave her next tour? She'll want to get into peak physical shape to do it, to avoid this situation again, but also she'll require rest time so she doesn't implode.

I believe the best situation would be to go ahead with the 2 volumes, released perhaps 12 months apart (we'll call it the Rihanna method) that way she can put out material she'll have been working on for over 4 years, perfecting, and she'll have new material to promote with a tour. It basically means she'll skip touring one album completely, and tour volume 2, but incorporate it into a joint 1 & 2 tour. This gives the TMB effect of touring with a fresh album AND BTW effect of desperation to see certain songs performed... AND it gives people some time off saving to see Gaga (looking at you, SA). It's perfect. It gives Gaga a nice long break in intense touring, too.

ARTPOP - June 2013

ARTPOP vol 2. - June 2014

ARTPOP tour - August 2014 - November 2015 - 155 dates, mostly stadiums, some big rest gaps between.

February 2016: New album

Boom. Perfecto.

Like I said before, rest gets boring after a day for people like Gaga who just create and create all the damn time (I would know, I dislocated my knee in August in the middle of training... needless to say, after being ordered not to walk for 2 weeks, I only lasted 4 days then I started hallucinating and had to screw the doctor's orders). So yeah. Perfecto.

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^ :legend:

ARTPOP needs to be released this year, else whatever 'sounds' she has created with her producers, will start to find their way via those producers into other artists' new releases, and parts of the album will begin to sound unoriginal..

That's exactly what I am worried for.

Edited by hypocrateen
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Galactic Mess

Great plan, rollarcoaster!! And she doesn't need to dance a lot I the MV for the lead single... If it comes out in like june I'm sure she'll be able to do some smooth moves (like the ones in just dance).

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Honestly, I don't think that the injury would delay single/album release that much. Knowing Gaga, and how workaholic she is, I'm 100 per cent sure, that she will spend these "healing" weeks remastering and finishing vocals ARTPOP, rethinking the process of promotion and working on all the stuff she needs to work on (the app, creative ideas for pefrormances, music videos). She can do all these things even sitting on a wheelchair, and by the time of the actual releases, promotion (April/May), she will be recovered anyways. Believe me guys, she is hungry for pleasing us, especially after this situation thanks to the BTWB cancellation. I believe, that the "SOON" is still SOON.

I want to believe it will be like this , but I guess we wont know until Gaga is ready to talk
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Guys, just a thought can we PLEASE PLEASE trend


I think we need to cheer her up, if she finds out its trended we should be able to make her day! X

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Guys, just a thought can we PLEASE PLEASE trend


I think we need to cheer her up, if she finds out its trended we should be able to make her day! X

This would be amazing! Except it should be #ThankYou4BornThisWay.... :laughga:

that "u" is... reductive. :duhga:

- Previously Sycothisis
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This would be amazing! Except it should be #ThankYou4BornThisWay.... :laughga:

that "u" is... reductive. :duhga:

Let's do it, try and get all your followers in on it :)

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There are so many awkward things and questions now that the ball is officially canceled..

no tour dvd...

will the born brave bus/ tailgate appear at the next tour, or is it gone for good after only 12 dates..

Will Terry's documentary still happen or will it be awkwardly unfinished?

Will Madonna never see the ball and stay pressed?

It's just sad, because the monster ball had a finale. Pictures of gaga crying on the stage after the last concert....we won't see that this time around

Hopefully she won't disappear again...

idk, there are just so many things.

Tbqh I'm really upset about how the Born This Way Era went in general, and I'm sure she is too in ways. She did accomplish many things, proving that she wasn't a shallow artist, that she was a voice for this generation... She even got some hits like You and I, but really only Edge of Glory out of it all. The album is great as a whole, but kids in my school were talking about going to see the ball, but hoped that she would play more old songs because they were better, and I'm sure that's how a lot of people feel.

The born this way cover was sick, but a lot of people hated it, and the album wasn't as dark and she said it was. It should have been colorful... The image for the tour poster was horrible imo..

It's been fun following the tour through asia etc, but even when it was in America, Born This Way was tired. what is it like 2 years almost since the album?

blah. Controversy and BS. K i'm done. I just hope Gaga is ok.

Edited by whipopotamus
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I wouldn't mind if the single was similar to Stache. Something with a slow chorus but a fun beat. She could sit a couch (similar to Alejandro at BTWB) while dancers dance around her.

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Will Madonna never see the ball and stay pressed?

omg :rofl:

I don't think the album will be delayed that much ... Single in April/May maybe... and about the choreo I don't think gaga have been learning new choreography, but she met Akurland months ago so the video may not include chore at all... or the choreo may be s.th. like Poker Face / Bad Romance hit steps but easy

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I like her simple choreography much better.

I agree. Her choreo got too complicated in this era... especially for videos. The Marry The Night choreo was fun at the M m m marry m m m marry parts and Judas was good, but the rest were confusing..... Alejandro, Telephone, Bad Romance were so easy.

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