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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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What exactly would her announcing the album title have to do with Interscope's plans?

Sorry, not offense, but do you seriously not think Interscope have an influence on when Gaga can start announcing album names and single names and general promotion?

They have to keep Gaga restrained. They have a marketing plan.

What if she just announced the ARTPOP in December of 2011, then we would have been waiting for 9 months without any news and people would either get bored of overhyped. (fyi she had the album name already by November of 2011)

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Off topic: I have WP that is over 2 months old can you remove it please?

On topic: I'm sure ARTPOP will deliver :party:

Your warning automatically expired. :)

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Just under a month left until the VMA's. I've got a countdown on my desktop screen :laughga:

I just want to know what this big surprise is that will supposedly steal their thunder. I mean it has to be HUGE. For one, it's a big night in music already, but Pink is releasing new material and they actually have a good host this year. The biggest name in pop aka Gaga, has to be doing something major in order to take the spotlight away from them.

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I wonder maybe if Gaga has some extravagant way of officially announcing ARTPOP to the world, because technically, she hasn't like directly tweeted or stated "ARTPOP is the title of my new album!", it's been very subtle on LM.com and on Twitter, like "new ink/new album" or hinting little monsters when she said, "Can you spread the word around that the title's ARTPOP?". Maybe in September we're getting some new innovative announcement (which would go with Tara's tweet of Gaga stealing the VMA's thunder)- I have no idea what Gaga has on her sleeve but I"m expecting something HUGE now that so much speculation is going around ARTPOP and how the GP is basically craving for some new Gaga news. I mean think about it- would the GP care about a speculated title for Rihanna's or Katy Perry's next album? I'm predicting something huge where Gaga utilizes all mediums of social media to announce her new project.

ARTPOP 2013 :excited:

and in monstervisions she talks about something new she cant tell us about yet, i think something just completly innovative is going to happen to still their thunder

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now we have the album name it will probably be the name of the lead single and a date for the announcement :party:

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Cocaine Heart

Im gonna put this out there now but what if she preformed the lead single at the VMA's...like at the end of the show...a surprise performance that MTV could hint at in upcoming promo's ;)

I would of loved for this to happen, but after not giving her nominations they done deserve her, tbh

But anythings possible

We going to boo
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I think the album will be released on Gaga's birthday. She said it was next year, but not too late (March? That seems perfect!) and the "T" in her tattoo resembles the Aries sign (the Ram). AR♈POP. It all seems to fit?

Edited by gr3g22
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I think the album will be released on Gaga's birthday. She said it was next year, but not too late (March? That seems perfect!) and the "T" in her tattoo resembles the Aries sign (the Ram). AR♈POP. It all seems to fit?

I thought the same thing about BTW before the release date was announced . It would be perfect considering the title, and back then we thought it would be released much earlier than may 23rd :toofloppy: .

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Little Kermit

I think the album will be released on Gaga's birthday. She said it was next year, but not too late (March? That seems perfect!) and the "T" in her tattoo resembles the Aries sign (the Ram). AR♈POP. It all seems to fit?

I agree with you! :)

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Viva La Daniel

I have feeling that this next record is going to be as commercially successful as Fame was and to be musically and artistically greater than BTW was.

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Well one thing's for sure is that the music sounds way better than the instrumentals on youtube.

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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I don't remember where it was, but earlier today, I read a quote from the Rolling Stone magazine. They said something like "when the Born This Way album is 20 months old" or so...

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