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Gaga's "Bedroom"

Blue Jeans

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my wardrobe can withstand this things

my curtains have cute dangly strings

my bedroom could mean anything



:rip:  :rip:  :rip:


I wonder if she finally bought her own place?!

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Dean Winchester

There has to be more to this than gaga randomly posting a pic of her bedroom  :toofunny: i wouldnt be suprised if she wrote a song named "Chez Gaga" since its capitalized :laughga: you never know with gaga  :smh:

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Really cool.  I didn't expect all the green, somehow.  Wouldn't have pegged that color for decor.

Do not do to others what angers you if done to you by others. -Socrates
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Reminds me of when my coworker and I go to lunch and then tell people we went to Chez Arby's to make it sound fancier.

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my wardrobe can withstand this things

my curtains have cute dangly strings

my bedroom could mean anything




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