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Do you think Gaga could pull this off?


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Do you think Gaga could SELL OUT the Ernst Happel Stadium in Vienna, Austria?

The capacity for soccer games is about 47,000 seats, for concerts the capacity is between 30,000 - 40,000.

The BTWBall received lots of praise from the media here, so people know how amazing a Gaga show is :)


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I doubt it 


She sold out the Stadthalle (15.000) but it took it's time


I prefer her doing that venue twice instead of taking the risk of Ernst Happel Stadium: There only a few artists that can sell it out and as much as I love my queen if she doesn't make a sold out there she would be called flop :/


Of course I wish she would sell it out but the media break and everything was too much for the GP in my opinion

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nope, not in my opinion - i feel the capacity is too high for an artist in her current situation. Would you prefer two sold out dates, or one half-empty stadium? :P

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nope, not in my opinion - i feel the capacity is too high for an artist in her current situation. Would you prefer two sold out dates, or one half-empty stadium? :P


In 2012 Madonna sold "only" 20.000 tickets here and you could feel it (the atmosphere is so different). Besides that all the media called it a flop then. This is NOT a shade - I just wanna give a statement


By the way I won my tickets

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I also prefer 1 or 2 SOLD OUT nights at the Wiener Stadthalle, but I wanted to hear your opinion :)

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the reason why i think it could be sold out is, that for the austrian date many people from czech republic, slovenia, slovakia, hungary, rumania, and a few more country come together, but i'm not sure if it quite will, maybe also with the right promo in austria and an impressive stunt to bring her very present in european media :)

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Gaga is Life

I like to think so. I saw a thread the other day hear saying how popular Gaga was in Austria, so my hopes are probably higher than normal :party:

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