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New "Official Acapellas, Instrumentals and Track Stems" Thread


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afaik we arent allowed to post them. every thread was deleted yesterday

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All this lossless stuff is making me incredibly excited! I can't believe Bloody Mary's acapella and instrumental were leaked...I've been so out of the loop! :excited:


Does anyone have the following in lossless format?


- Government Hooker (Full Acapella and Instrumental)

- Hair (Instrumental)

- Black Jesus † Amen Fashion (Instrumental)

- Bad Kids (Acapella and Instrumental)

- Fashion of His Love (Instrumental)

- Highway Unicorn (Acapella and Instrumental)

- Heavy Metal Lover (Instrumental)

- The Queen (Instrumental)

- Yoü and I (Acapella and Instrumental)

- The Edge of Glory (Instrumental)


If you need anything that I've got, let me know.

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I'm currently only looking to complete Born This Way in lossless format. I know it's going to be tough and that not everything has leaked but I currently have the following:


01 Marry the Night (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

02 Born This Way (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

03 Government Hooker (Acapella*)

04 Judas (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

05 Americano (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

06 Hair (Acapella)

07 Scheiße (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

08 Bloody Mary (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

09 Black Jesus † Amen Fashion (Acapella)

10 Bad Kids

11 Fashion of His Love (Acapella)

12 Highway Unicorn (Road to Love)

13 Heavy Metal Lover (Acapella)

14 Electric Chapel (Acapella) and (Instrumental)

15 The Queen (Acapella)

16 Yoü and I

17 The Edge of Glory (Acapella)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Just curious: where did you find/get the Judas lossless stems?


not leaked yet, but I have them in lossless 

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not leaked yet, but I have them in lossless 


uhm yes they leaked. and not sharing stuff is kinda selfish tbh



@dy2light. sorry i dont know anymore. its been a while. i just downloaded them from somewhere, was probably soundcloud or another more famous site

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uhm yes they leaked. and not sharing stuff is kinda selfish tbh

@dy2light. sorry i dont know anymore. its been a while. i just downloaded them from somewhere, was probably soundcloud or another more famous site

Only leaked in lower quality and i will share the lossless :) but if u say they leaked already you can help him

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then go on and release them if you think those i uploaded arent lossless :P i used spek to control the stems i have.


@chiunzhan. no there isnt. because im not uploading everything over and over again. try using google to find a solution. no one should have problems using mega with a normal computer

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uhm yes they leaked. and not sharing stuff is kinda selfish tbh



@dy2light. sorry i dont know anymore. its been a while. i just downloaded them from somewhere, was probably soundcloud or another more famous site

oh that's ok! i was just curious, as i had never seen these before :)

thanks, though!

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