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Remix Collaboration/Request Thread


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(Mods can move this if they see fit)


I thought I decide to make this. Mostly because we have a lot of talented remixers here. And people who want to be talented remixers (or who already are don't believe it).


Some of us have unique ideas, but can't really fulfill them, and some people need ideas, and to push their boundaries and such.




Basically, remixers can ask to collab with another remixer (or producers, if you would like to call yourself that) or a regular GGD member can ask to have a song made.


So that is the basic idea. Now onto the forms!


The Form to fill out for requests and collabs.

Username: Username here, duh.

Collab or Request: do you wanna collab or are you making a request?

Song wanting remixed: song wanting to remix here

Work willing to put in: (only fill this out if collabing)

Idea behind remix: Put a general idea of genre and the inspiration behind remix. Can be as long as you need, but try not to babble. May include general instruments/sounds you want in the remix.




Here is the list of all awaiting requests and collabs.

Username: Seeka

Collab or Request: Collab

Song wanting remixed: Judas

Work willing to put in: I am willing to make the acapella.

Idea behind remix: "The Lover of Evil". Basically a remix inspired by, and maybe sampling a little from the songs "Daughter of Evil" (or Prince of Evil if you prefer) and Servant of Evil (once again, Maid if you prefer). I think Servant of Evil should be the main inspiration behind the song. Also I believe the church bells from Servant of Evil (or something similar) should be used in the beginning. Also I believe a guillotine sound should come after Gaga's "I cling to!" in the bridge.



Username: Seeka
Collab or Request: Collab

Song wanting remixed: Venus

Work willing to put in: I am willing to make the acapella (when a studio acapella comes out or a good enough DIY)

Idea behind remix: "The Aphrodite from Bran Bal". I want a Kuja inspired remix of Venus. The main inspiration behind the remix should be the two songs "Kuja Exits Burmecia" and "The Evil Mist's Rebirth" but may also take inspiration from the following: "Bran Bal, the Soulless Village", "Kuja V", "Kuja's Theme", "Immoral Melody", "Kuja's Theme (Millennium Version)","Devil's Ambition (Footsteps of Desire)", "Dark Messenger","Recalling Bahamut","Annihilation of Brahnes Fleet","The Fall of Neo Kuja","The Origin of Kuja"

All of the above music can be heard on youtube. Though I would leave a download link, I know how against the rules it is. ffextreme, however, contains download links for all of the FFIX songs I mentioned.





(this even applies to those who take up requests as well. So if you offer to take two requests and have a collab up, you're not allowed anymore.)



I will probably also find some way to keep up with everyone's requests and collabs if I can't fit them on this page anymore.




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So happy I could die and my blood by ellie goulding PLEASE :nooo:

Where did I say mash-ups?


When I am not lazy I may add those later. But please. FORM.

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Where did I say mash-ups?


When I am not lazy I may add those later. But please. FORM.

oh :rip:

I will still go on looking for such mashup :cry:

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oh :rip:

I will still go on looking for such mashup :cry:

It's okay. I'll put it in, and do something for mash-ups... but now I have to go and do roleplay stuffers.

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