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Review: "Not Ladylike at all, Gaga!"


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"Robin Thicke performed on X Factor the previous week with a whole troupe of scantily clad dancers.

And, unlike Gaga, nobody seemed to take offence at their gyrating thighs, perhaps because, in my opinion, that whole Thicke performance worked as an onstage visual."

Or maybe it's because for our stupid society, it's acceptable for a man to use women's bodies as accessories, but if a woman is proud of her body and wants to show it, she's apparently a slut or indecent.

Ignore this article, people. Ms. Thomas is clearly misguided and still regurgitating that internalised misogyny/slut-shaming.

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Are people surprised though? 


This is Gaga we are talking about right?

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Wow. She gets controversy when she actually COVERS her ass with underwear, but when she's actually showing her ass (VMAs) she doesn't. :confused:

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No doubt Robin's appearance "worked as a visual" because it wasn't him that was s-xualised, it was his backing dancers. As they're just window dressings, no one cares. If the women were the main artists, then there'd be an issue as they're commanding your attention. At least that's what I think she subconsciously believes. But it's still a bunch of s-xual double standard tosh. And so many people don't realise that Gaga had to turn her performance around last minute to accomodate DWUW as a single and that explains the disjointed performance and "costume change." I'm glad the critics were smart enough to pick up on the deeper message behind the lyrics than this reviewer was. Seriously, some people just hear suggestive lyrics and completely switch off from deeper thinking. In a way, that's the beauty of the song: it has the deep message to appeal to the fans but cleverly comes across as a completely different s-xual meaning to appeal to the public. Gaga's always several steps ahead.


I'm genuinely amazed as to why people found this performance so shocking. Some even said it was disgusting and depraved. Good Lord, how sheltered are these people? But those who did find it disgusting and depraved noted that they didn't find it s-xual as she looked ugly and was dressed in granny pants. So, if people didn't find her attractive, why are they using phrases like "too s-xual?" When people called Miley's performance disgusting and depraved, none of them were saying "too s-xual," for the word "s-xual" suggests an attraction to the performer. So, therefore, subconsciously, the public are more attracted to Gaga than they'd care to admit.

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irrelevant opinions are to be kept within the irrelevant and not heard by superiors; I don't want to hear it. 

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I like how critics are okay with a male performer singing a pro-rape song, but oh lord jesus if a female singer is wearing a bikini/lingerie, it is a travesty to them.

You, my friend, are so right.

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Not even going to bother getting my point across tbh


Oh and Kathryn hun, go and check how relevant you are before criticising someone who could actually buy you + everything you own and still be as rich as piss.

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She should have just performed venus on its own, the medley was too much.....and no guitar please. Or get someone else to play the guitar for you. 


GaGoo, PLEASE release Venus as the next single.

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I like how critics are okay with a male performer singing a pro-rape song, but oh lord jesus if a female singer is wearing a bikini/lingerie, it is a travesty to them.


Dancing in the Shadow... 🖤
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