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Gaga talks about Perez on twitter


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MJ Holland

That is true but this guy needs a taste of his own medicine tbh. I don't even care if it's right or wrong.


I stand here waiting for Gaga to bang the gong :troll:


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Her chart positions have nothing to do with the fact that Perez is a disgusting human being. Can his career be over now or.. 

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MJ Holland

It's her birthday today? Reveal a new song title on ARTPOP, "SWINE"....we think it's about him....Gaga tweets about being harassed by him and we call him SWINE...AND the tweet included Madonna pointing a gun at her...., but ironically IT'S MADONNA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!


The Shadiest Tree on Twitter....I can't! Gaga draggin' Madonna too....ZyNpvhp.gif



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He has nothing else to say because he knows he just got played... he's been dissing applause since it first came out. Let's just ignore him seriously. There's no point in tweeting him, etc. cause he's not going to change. I hope someone reports him to child protective services cause all he does is spew hate. No child deserves to be raised with a parent like that. Doesn't anyone agree?


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That was kind of hypocritical of her to be honest.



I really can't understand why people think so.

He keeps tweeting horrid things and she has the right do defend herself. What DJWS tweeted was also right.

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Her chart positions have nothing to do with the fact that Perez is a disgusting human being. Can his career be over now or.. 


why isn't his career over seriously. yuk!!

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Perez doesn't care if people don't like him as long as he is famous. And Gaga is giving him free press. She shouldn't have said anything.

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why isn't his career over seriously. yuk!!

It's disgusting to even think that people who are filled with so much hate and negativity are allowed to be considered "famous". Who could honestly say they're a fan of Perez Hilton? :wtf:

Edited by Marco
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Seriously pay this man NO ATTENTION, his career will be soon over.

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I'm kinda worried about her, she wanted to start this new era so hard, waited for months. Now she only sees monsters complaining about chart positions and hater's bashing. 

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he just posted that : 


'Woah! @LadyGaGa's Applause has dropped to #4 on @iTunesMusic in America. That country singer, Luke Bryan, is beating her.'


so pathetic...


Since when was being #4 on ITunes a bad thing Perez? This is all being done and the song hasn't technically been released until Monday.....


inb4 Gaga responds and says she's going to wear a pork hot dog constume to the VMA's....64Q4Gs0.gif

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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But the thing that bothers me the most is that he went on Ellen, one of the biggest talk shows, to promote how he is against bullying and putting other people down. And bullies Gaga, Kesha, Christina, etc. :crossed:

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It's her birthday today? Reveal a new song title on ARTPOP, "SWINE"....we think it's about him....Gaga tweets about being harassed by him and we call him SWINE...AND the tweet included Madonna pointing a gun at her...., but ironically IT'S MADONNA'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!!


The Shadiest Tree on Twitter....I can't! Gaga draggin' Madonna too....ZyNpvhp.gif

That gif

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I don't think she would lie about something so serious in front of 39 million followers, especially on an emotional topic.

the fact that she tweeted it in the first place means she is probably stressed/pissed and when someone is in that state of mind they dont make the best decisions.


thinking about it now maybe its perfect. she tweets it without proof so all he will get is a bunch of angry teens tweeting him because if she tweeted the proof he would probably be finished. its like she just knocked him out but didnt go far enough to kill him.

I disapprove of what you say, but will defend to the death your right to say it.
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