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Billboard: 'Applause' to debut with 200k in US (Current: #3 - iTunes)


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Gutted that she is under performing, compared with BTW. I'm hoping its due to the fact that it was rush released because, lets face it, the song has had a lot of promotion already.

The song is so much better than Born This Way IMO, plus it's much more generic and pleasing toward the GP in comparison.

Lets hope that the video slays and boosts those sales next week.

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Also, neither Blurred Lines or We Can't Stop sold as much during their first week, it was after music videos and performances that people really became aware of the new songs.

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Its dropped to #3 in Canada :((((((((((((


DAE feel like Gaga should be doing more promo than tweeting 150x a day?  She's coming out of a long blackout...she needs to get people to remember her.  I know she's starting to do radio, etc. but as far as the VMAs go, Katy is getting 60000x more promo out of these teaser spots, and Robin Thicke is also perfoming, I doubt it will push her to no.1 over Katy if their both getting promo and Katy's getting more promo.

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its not even been a week ffs :dies:

Considering it was a rush release and it didn't have a full week, and many people didn't know about its release, 200k are great!

next week is going to be immense for APPLAUSE...we're getting the video AND the VMAs...If she nails BOTH of them, it's a smash


Yea. i thought about that after a made that post. 200k isnt bad for being unplanned. I think its just that we are so use to her dominating. But next week for sure will be big. :cheer:

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Guys calm down. This is the first week sales. This is NOT what determines if its a hit or not..

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Its dropped to #3 in Canada :((((((((((((


DAE feel like Gaga should be doing more promo than tweeting 150x a day?  She's coming out of a long blackout...she needs to get people to remember her.  I know she's starting to do radio, etc. but as far as the VMAs go, Katy is getting 60000x more promo out of these teaser spots, and Robin Thicke is also perfoming, I doubt it will push her to no.1 over Katy if their both getting promo and Katy's getting more promo.


For like the hundredth time, this song was released a week early. 

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70% dont know a thing about charts!

These numbers are T-E-R-R-I-B-LE


And you're one of the 30% who do? :lmao: BYE.

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70% dont know a thing about charts!

These numbers are T-E-R-R-I-B-LE


T-E-R-R-I-B-LE is your 70% of nescience.

And also your 20% of ability with numbers.  :heart:

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Nope Katy relies on Dr. Luke :yes:

And Gaga relies in DJWS :smh:

I honestly don't have pretty much to say about Applause sales after the US Discussion Thread, but I didn't remember that BTW had sold 500k in its second week, impressive :legend:

Applause is going to sell less than a half.

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Its dropped to #3 in Canada :((((((((((((


DAE feel like Gaga should be doing more promo than tweeting 150x a day?  She's coming out of a long blackout...she needs to get people to remember her.  I know she's starting to do radio, etc. but as far as the VMAs go, Katy is getting 60000x more promo out of these teaser spots, and Robin Thicke is also perfoming, I doubt it will push her to no.1 over Katy if their both getting promo and Katy's getting more promo.


I think that might work for Gaga...now that media has pitted them against each other, their VMA performances will be contrasted and compared too....and we all know how that goes. Katy is such a sweetheart, I love Roar just as much as Applause, but live performances are like...not really her thing? :flop:

While Gaga, she will rock the house and probably steal the whole night's thunder (only true monsters will know :derpga:), she knows how to put on a show.

So after the VMA's Gaga's situation will surely improve, we just need to be patient.

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