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AWESOME Applause video made by fan! Check it out!

LittIe Monster

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It seems his muffin top is really on top....


Okay what the actual hell did i just watch, this fanbase still surprises me... 


I would have kept this for private use not public but that's just me.

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Honey Boo Boo

Wtf did I just watch?


I was so speechless, Lady Gaga's "Speechless" probably originated from it.

A dolla makes me holla!💰💵💸
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high heeled fem

Da fuq did I just watch




:lmao: i know right???? but i do like the mouth thing

Wtf did I just watch?


I was so speechless, Lady Gaga's "Speechless" probably originated from it.


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Bathroom. It's in a bathroom.













He has handcuffs attached to his.....underwear?

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