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Burqa Snippet Leaked?


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I hope not, it's not a hit really....

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Those lyrics :lmao:


you've got to be kidding me, even the rhyming is bad.



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How many times has this snippet been uploaded? This is like the 300th time I've seen this thread.

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i remeber when the government hooker lyrics leaked and everyone was like those are so fake and horrible :dies: if these are real :rip:

not gunna lie i really hope these are the lyrics :dies:

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please no more satanic stuff Gaga. enough of that...

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^ Yup. Close thread :noparty: Someone said it was Cake reversed/edited, so yeah, that's probably it :laughga:


Edit: Just read the lyrics. It was so hard not to vomit. If that's real, I'll be embarassed to be a fan of hers :nails:

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