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BTW Era Time Capsule


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I totally love the BTW video and song

Judas video and song


and most of her performance during this era.


The most memorable is the BTW performance on Grammy and MTN performance on EMA

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This thread is full if win. I love the btw era. Highlights are Radio 1, Decade of Difference, and Graham Norton and Jonathon Ross, and VMA 2011. I think we really saw Gaga this era, all her strengths and weaknesses and imperfections. She is a brilliant and yet flawed artist and all I want from her is to continue exploring her own path and art. I don't need a perfect pop princess label puppet, just the honest Gaga.

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high heeled fem

I want to save this moment:


Words cannot describe how I felt during those minutes. I will never ever forget it.


so amzing :'( i wish i had the chance to see this live.........it is incredible

Hi every member of this beautiful site :hug:

Well the idea is simple, its gonna be a time capsule, where you will put those images, videos, gifs, texts, whatever, that are really meaningful for you that happened in the era. Its gonna be closed the day when ARTPOP (first single) will be released. It's about emotions.

I want to save this moment:




incredible :'( wow

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high heeled fem

This:  :legend:


and this. Seems she was high or drunked in this performance... thats why I LOVE ITTT  :mittens: and the crowd was so exited too



yes both so good love jo


but i loveeeeeee that oufit she is wearing at that festival those pants!!!! and she never wore them again so wonderful

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