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MAYHEM: The Official Discussion Thread (Act II) It’s MAYHEM in here 👹


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24 minutes ago, velliqjv said:

does anyone have a picture of the violet/purple vinyl yet? curious to see


Now Im curious about the pink

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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Not sure anyone’s said but she’s on the cover of New Music Friday on Spotify in the UK and the first song is Garden of Eden :gaycat:

This next solo smash hit

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Do you guys think Zombieboi was supposed to lead into Shadow Of A Man originally? It sounds almost like it would be a perfect fade.

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14 minutes ago, Gabi001 said:

It makes me so sad to read all the negativity on gay instagram towards this album. I could understand the hate Joanne got, but not this masterpiece :traumatica:

Had my mouse over the like button until "I could undestand the hate Joanne got". Yikesssss.

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In my 4th playthrough or so and I noticed that I have a problem with the intros and think most songs could do without them (e.g. VIY), now the outros however :legend:

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1 minute ago, AsleepOnTheCeiling said:

Had my mouse over the like button until "I could undestand the hate Joanne got". Yikesssss.

I didn't mean that I don't like Joanne, but the sound was so different from anything Gaga did before. :huntyga:

I'm not having fun tonight.
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I love it! :holdmyhand: Disease is still my fav from the whole album but LOVED Perfect Celebrity, Zombieboy, Abracadabra, Vanish Into You and Shadow Of A Man too!

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The critics are loving it. I am loving it. The album is 100% a grower, the more I listen to it, the more I get into it and love it. My favs right now that I think deserve single treatment with video are…

1. Garden of Eden 

2. Perfect celebrity 

3. Zombieboy

4. Shadow of a Man 


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after 3rd listen -

Disease - a bop, 9/10

Abracadabra - an instant classic, 10/10

Garden of Eden - grower, 9/10

Perfect Celebrity - grower as well, 8/10

Vanish Into You -  mid bop 8/10

Killah - song in two halves, first half great 2nd half not so much. The vocals are crazy and I love her vocals but as a song overall? 7/10

Zombieboy - a bop, it really is like MJ vibes mixed with Gwenstefani, reminiscent of her pre The Fame sounds like Fever for example - 9.5/10

Love Drug - a bop too, 9/10

How Bad Do You Want Me - an instant bop too its so catchy, 9.5/10

Dont Call Tonight - a bop, again its infectious hehe 8.5/10

Shadow of a Man - replay factor to the max, so so so so good 10/10

The Beast - the souuuuul its giving is insane, 8.5/10

Blade of Grass - kinda mid ballad 6/10

Die With A Smile - i mean, its so good 10/10

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I went in with almost no expectations. I haven't listened to any of the interviews/snippets and on my first listen I can definitely say that I was blown away by the direction of the album. Judging from the aesthetics featured in this era and the different album/vinyl covers I thought we were going to get a couple of songs with a goth sound or something similar.

What immediately caught my eye were the lyrics. They are really interesting, and I can't wait to listen to it again while reading the lyrics on Genius. Love it or hate it, I think we have a really deep, thought-provoking album on our hands, both sonically and lyrically, and I am excited to explore it for the next couple of months.

Oh, and hopefully I get to listen to the album live. I just have a feeling that the songs will sound completely different when performed in front of an audience. The energy is going to be insane.

See you on tour Little Monsters :pawsup: 

Until then, this is Elvira saying unpleasant dreams.
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Mirrion Rizzons

My updated ranking, to include disease and abra 

GOATED songs: 

1. Disease 

2. Vanish Into You

3. Abracadabra

4. Shadow Of A Man

5. Perfect Celebrity 

6. Blade of Grass

7. Garden Of Eden

8. Zombieboy

9. The Beast 

10. Love drug

GOOD songs

11. Don’t Call Tonight

12. DWAS 

13. Killah 



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1 hour ago, Lanaxster said:

The only thing I don’t understand is the choice whole aesthetic she’s been going for lately, which doesn’t fit the record. Her aesthetic choices over the last few years have been kind of strange, from the brutalist concept of the Chromatica Ball (which is far removed from the aesthetic of the record) to Mayhem being a light pop, funk-eurodance record, lol.

I think it's very much supposed to be a direct dichotomy of The Fame. The Fame is about the bling, the shiny things, money wealth and glamour. Mayhem revisits a lot of these themes, ideas, looks, and sounds. And does so in a retrospective of a 20 year career. The Fame is "I will be, I am famous. I am a celebrity", a manifestation. Mayhem is "I did it. Look. I lost myself, I found myself, I speak on everything I spoke on over the past 20 years. I was a child then, look at me now.". I think she rejected her own pleas to "outfit" Mayhem around the sound of Perfect Celebrity but still went with a lot of the other language. Look at The Fame cover then look at the Mayhem cover. The mirror/glass is supposed to be a hint that she's looking back at herself in the past ie her The Fame self.

Chromatica was always the ugly of life and mental health dressed up to be pretty and keep going. Chromatica Ball's set design was the reality of the situation. And I think at the time she aimed to go for a specific "vibe" she was gonna hint at, but ultimately decided against.

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