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Rank Gaga’s lead Music Videos


Rank Gaga’s lead Music Videos  

217 members have voted

  1. 1. Rank Gaga’s lead Music Videos

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1. Bad Romance
2. Disease
3. Applause
4. Born This Way
5. Perfect Illusion
6. Just Dance
7.  Stupid Love

currently streaming Disease
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BTW will always be on the top for me. But Disease, Bad Romance, and Applause are tied for second place. Perfect Illusion, third. Just Dance and Stupid Love tied for last place. 

in her tongue she said, "death or love tonight"
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1. Bad Romance

2. Disease

3. Applause

4. Stupid Love

5. Perfect Illusion

6. Just Dance

7. Born This Way

ALL ARE ICONIC!! This is just personal preference

Edited by 2School4Cool
See The Best In Everyone
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Mirrion Rizzons

1. Bad Romance

2. Disease

3. Applause

4. Born This Way

5. Just Dance

6. Perfect Illusion

7. Stupid Love

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1- Disease (I never thought I’d ever say that)

2- Bad Romance

3- Born This Way

4- Applause

5- Just Dance

6- Perfect Illusion

I don’t think Stupid Love deserves any spot in a Top 7

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Smother Em Eh

7. Stupid Love

6. Perfect Illusion

5. Just Dance

4. Born This Way

3. Disease

2. Applause

1. Bad Romance

Edited by Smother Em Eh
Get Applause & G.U.Y to 1B views!
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1. Born This Way
2. Applause
3. Perfect Illusion
4. Bad Romance
5. Stupid Love
6. Disease
7.  Just Dance

BTW remains a masterpiece and she borrows iconography from my fave so that's automatically #1 :icant:

The Applause video is underrated and really captures the spirit of the album imo.

Perfect Illusion's video is the perfect compliment to a total stadium shaker.

Bad Romance's video is iconic, there's a reason it was the first video to set YouTube records and usher in that whole era.

Stupid Love is colorful which is something I've always wanted more of from Gaga. 

Disease's video needs some time to grow on me I think. I don't really get it and I've never obsessed over DarkGa the way the rest of the fanbase does.

Just Dance is just a college frat party :icant:

Hard to be the 💛 in a 💜 sky
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Future Lovers

1. Bad Romance
2. Disease
3. Applause
4. Just Dance
5. Born This Way
6. Perfect Illusion
7. Stupid Love

I'd rank the songs themselves somewhat differently though

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1.Bad Romance


3.Born This way


5.Just Dance

6. Stupid love

7.Perfect Illusion

The melody that you choose can rescue you
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1. Bad Romance

2. Born This Way

3/4. Applause / Disease

5. Perfect Illusion

6. Just Dance

7. Stupid Love

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