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Leaked Album Cover / Single Cover? (SPOILER)


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SCROLL DOWN AT YOUR OWN RISK!! (I know some people are trying to avoid leaks so just to warn you!) I don't know if this is truly a spoiler or if it is being used for anything, but its a square-shaped photo that is definitely album cover worthy that I just found on Twitter with no context. 








Edited by ApplauseftAdele
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I read someone claiming it's just a promo image, for Spotify and other platforms most likely

And I wouldn't be surprised it was actually meant to be shared today so instead of Gaga posting it herself they just dropped it online so it could spread on social media like a disease :teehee: 

Edited by DesertWolf
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I saw someone post this on Twitter about an hour ago. It looks like a real photo, but I only saw one person tweet about it, so I assumed it was fake :giveup: 

I'm inclined to think it is real though because otherwise, it's a very convincing fake.

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1 minute ago, Lucas said:

Can you put the picture as a spoiler? 

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Done! Sorry I havent been online since the Joanne era :chica:

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3 minutes ago, DesertWolf said:

I read someone claiming it's just a promo image, for Spotify and other platforms most likely

And I wouldn't be surprised it was actually meant to be shared today so instead of Gaga posting it herself they just dropped it online so it could spread on social media like a disease :teehee: 

I don't know, it reads more like an album cover than a Spotify promo image to me. I think specifically the fact that it is cropped into a 10x10 square

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3 minutes ago, Kimmo said:

Delete it :dom:


5 minutes ago, tylerjs said:

I don’t think we’re allowed to be sharing this here, my friend

Some big accounts like @chartsgaga already posted it over half an hour ago and if you search #GAGAISCOMING on twitter every account is posting it so honestly its already out of our hands

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It looks more like a promo pics or MAYBE a single cover but it's definitely not giving album cover

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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3 minutes ago, ApplauseftAdele said:

I don't know, it reads more like an album cover than a Spotify promo image to me. I think specifically the fact that it is cropped into a 10x10 square

It could also be the single cover. I mean, would they have the album cover all ready to go when the album itself isn't coming until February?

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I think it’s real but more likely a Spotify promo pic 

Apparently the album name and CD/Vinyl preorders are also leaked and coming today :air: 

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