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LG7 {TCB Film Spoilers}


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13 hours ago, StarstruckIllusion said:

On my second watch - didn’t expect to replay it again just holy swear words

This is the best media she’s ever made.

Better than any music video or movie… like wow. Tonight i’ll never forget it, haven’t been this gagged since the 2020 VMAs and the tour itself. Oh Gaga…

This is so trueee ! I think I will have it on repeat more than I expected.

It hits so hard, the beats and everything, like I need the isolated audio right now on my phone to listen to it all day long. 

And the visuals, they are flawless, with the added edits and all of the different shots, lights, fire :firega:

Sorry, brb. Yours, Bear reading Book 💋
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Each and every single reason why I worship this woman is in the Chromatica Ball Film. 


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I haven't felt this way since Chromatica came out (except for when I saw this tour live in person ofc). Such a good film!! It reminded me how it feels to be passionate about miss thing and her artistry

Edited by Rebelde
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I remember that outro dance at the concert, but not the song… was it played back then too?

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4 hours ago, Chromatislaps said:

I remember that outro dance at the concert, but not the song… was it played back then too?

Nope, it was just Gaga doing a lil dancey dance 

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I honestly teared up a little during TEOG and Angel Down. I felt like a little kid again watching The Monster Ball HBO special :fatcat:

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Just finished watching it, and, OMG, so amazing being able to relive such awesome memories! I was fortunate to attend one of the dates, and Gaga truly gave us everything! :bradley: The snippet of what’s to come at the end! I wonder if she had it all planned? I always knew that closing dance move meant something more, a foreshadowing! I can’t wait for the new era! :pawsup:

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I was lucky to attend the NYC date. It was truly amazing. I feel like she grew amazingly as an artist and I feel like, as a little monster from the beginning, I evolved with her and we are on the same page. It is truly amazing. It is truly magic. :pawsup:


And that snippet/announcement guuurl the way it starts it is truly EPIC. I am so gagged and ready for this new era, I can’t even :traumatica:

I’m not real, I’m theatre.
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So I’m almost done watching the Chromatica Ball, and I gotta be honest… it’s still my least favorite show she’s done. I think it was fantastic technically, and visually. But the notable decrease in audience engagement moments earlier on made it very hard to connect. I didn’t even begin to start connecting until 911. I also think the Stadium size makes the stage feel more empty than ideal. I would still say it was a fantastic show, but it didn’t feel like the Gaga shows I know and love. I would have loved some more of the between song cheeky moments the most.

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