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J.K. Rowling Blasts Daniel Radcliffe & Emma Watson

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Why let whatever you believe in come in between so many beautiful things you have created. Friendships, memories, all ruined bc you have to always share your opinion and you have to desperately be heard. What happend to live and let live? JK Rowling is forreal angry and thats crazy to me. Imagine living like that. Just accept that other people have different opinions and move ON. She should chill she can use it.

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1 hour ago, jacs vs looser said:

Current studies show that the percentage of Trans people who regret transitioning and furthermore de-transitions is very, very small. It is also an undeniable fact that once adolescence-related changes happen, it becomes way harder for trans people to achieve the appearance of their desired sex, further isolating them from a society that already wants nothing to do with them.

Is it a risk? Yes, but as far as we know, the pros outweigh the cons regarding the wellbeing of trans people themselves, which is what we should care about.


1 hour ago, Blue wig said:

I see what you mean, but from what I know about gender affirming care, you need to go through a lot of counselling before anything medical happens, to be as sure as possible that transitioning is what you want, and I think they start just with puberty blockers before any surgery is done; puberty blockers are entirely reversible! They just prevent your body from entering puberty as long as you take them, so when you stop your body just goes through puberty like nothing happened. They're also given to cis kids who have early onset puberty

I appreciate the information from both of you. There's allot I have to learn.

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King of the Fall

She is directing her anger at the wrong source, it is all well and good to be an advocate of womens rights but how about going on a rant about the far right for once?

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1 minute ago, King of the Fall said:

She is directing her anger at the wrong source, it is all well and good to be an advocate of womens rights but how about going on a rant about the far right for once?

I mean she's friends with them so why would she rant about them?

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Nathaniel Arven


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the absurdity of her thinking they'd "apologize"

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Imagine wasting all your time for a few years straight on a subject that you don't understand and you feed yourself with fake news all the time just to preserved your wrong uneducated and unintelligent "opinion".

Really, just retire already and live on a deserted island, just leave us the f-ck alone.

I'm working late, cause I'm a puta
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Ok brb imma let my deathly hallows tattoo be lasered away. This woman keeps on giving

Edited by Max
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Blue wig
52 minutes ago, SPARTACUS said:

I appreciate the information from both of you. There's allot I have to learn.

Don't worry! It's all a bit complicated, plus there is A LOT of misinformation online

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stupid old cow

mother, what must i do?
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The level of entitlement is insane 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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5 hours ago, SPARTACUS said:

I absolutely love and support my trans brothers and sisters, but this topic always makes me uncomfortable and I don't know how to feel... I'm sorry if what I'm about to write is insensitive or ignorant...


When I was little, for many many years I felt that I was a girl trapped in a boy's body. I'd pray to God and ask him why I wasn't born a girl. I was super passionate about it. Fast forward to about age 10 or 11, I felt completely different. And from that day to this very moment, I can say without any doubt, I love being male and wouldn't change that for the world.


As much as I support my trans family, I often think "Ok, what if back then I'd gone to my mother and told her about how passionately I felt that I was a girl born in a boy's body, and she allowed me to take puberty blockers?" How would that have affected my future?


Please forgive my ignorance if I've offended anyone.

No offense should be taken, bish. It's the same story for many people, including me.

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59 minutes ago, NATAH said:

stupid old cow

dozy old twonk

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