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TMZ : Britney had a 'MANIC' episode in restaurant, Sam storms out


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5 minutes ago, Gimme More said:

Are you seriously saying she can't do something as basic like go out to a restaurant like a normal person because OTHERS are not aware of boundaries and basic levels of respect?

She is a human being, she can go to a restaurant. People do weird stories that she never leaves the house, now she's attacked for going out to eat...

Unfortunately, being a public person comes at a price. I'm only stating a fact, don't attack me like I'm personally grounding her or something. This is the reality of the world for someone like her, it sucks, nobody's saying it's right, but being famous comes with pros and cons and that's the way it is. The best she and other celebs can do is navigate their lives in their best interests.

Then again we could expect people to change and start behaving respectfully. Right? :volantis:

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I just wish the best for Britney, arguments and opinions aside. And about TMZ, don’t expect them (and other tabloids) to just say aw sorry we’ll stop 🥰  because we want them to

They are inhumane, they know they are inhumane, and there’s nothing they will do about it. Unfortunately. Gossip is a concept of all times

Like we can want her to go wherever she wants but that does not change the fact that she actually cannot go wherever she wants. It’s reality. 


don’t quote me i’m out

Tease it to Jesus
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6 hours ago, Petrichor said:

Guys, don’t get me wrong, the behavior of the restaurant patrons was entirely uncalled for and rude, but can we stop pretending that Britney Spears is a hallmark of mental health?

She has a history of mental illness, probably as a result of her fame from a young age. She needs help.

It’s not really about Britney being the hallmark of mental health. The defence comes when publications label her as ‘maniacal’ showing only a 5 second clip, and the heresay from the people recording her. 

No she’s not the hallmark of mental health, and it’s BECAUSE of TMZ, and the trauma from being a victim of these mosquitos recording her over the years.

She very well could be getting help by the best professionals in the field. She could very well be in outpatient treatment, who knows. But where she is being failed by society is from the people who insist on disturbing her privacy and peace, and labeling uncomfortable interactions as a “MANIC MENTAL BREAKDOWN!!”. A simple dinner/date night with your significant other should be a grounding, enjoyable experience… Not a ****ing trauma response. 

It’s disgusting really… I hope Britney one day sues TMZ to the ground for the pain and suffering caused.

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2 hours ago, INNA said:

Why are we allowed to post TMZ articles here at all?

When the clip is only 5 seconds long, but replayed over and over. And the rest being heresay.

It’s so sad that the end of the article says “and Britney left two minutes later”. Not even being able to enjoy a simple date night because some asshole decided to whip their phone out.

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4 hours ago, elijahfan said:

She chose this life, and she knows firsthand how people behave. You can't choose to be in the public eye and expect to have it all.

Gaga is a prime example of the fact that if you're a huge celeb and don't want to be seen, YOU CAN. And the worst idea would be to go eat at a packed restaurant in freaking Los Angeles. This isn't smart.

i didn’t realize being on the mickey mouse club at like 10 meant she had full agency and chose this sort of life

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2 minutes ago, Chromatography said:

i didn’t realize being on the mickey mouse club at like 10 meant she had full agency and chose this sort of life

So you mean she stayed in the business well into adulthood by accident?

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What is this the debate club? Playing logic games just to have an "acceptable" way to **** talk Britney because you really just don't like her. :littlepotter: Like be serious.

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1 minute ago, Stephen said:

What is this the debate club? Playing logic games just to have an "acceptable" way to **** talk Britney because you really just don't like her. :littlepotter: Like be serious.

Well this is a forum. I also don't believe anyone is **** talking Britney here, just trying to make sense of what happened and how it could've been prevented.

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Very obvious who on this forum views celebrities as human beings and who views them as objects for consumption 

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I would’ve acted out too if I were in her shoes. She doesn’t look like she’s having an “manic” episode, maybe a bit annoyed at the fact she’s being recorded. 

Don’t play with me, it just hurts me.
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Smother Em Eh

She wasn’t being “manic” as she has every right to do this. I would be annoyed too if I wasn’t in my best mood and people were filming me. 

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Roughhouse Dandy

We really don't know if the clip shows the extent of the situation or if it got worse like people said. All this analyzing on here is just like what TMZ is doing but in the opposite side of the spectrum, except they have people who were there and we don't. 

Britney/Sam/their team were irresponsible for putting her in a packed restaurant in the one area in the US known for getting celeb soghtings. 

The fans were irresponsible for playing paparazzi with someone well known for struggles with being photographed/treated like a spectacle. 

TMZ was irresponsible for putting up a sensational headline on someone who is openly struggling with their mental health. 

We can navigate through this without blaming Britney for her struggles, pretending the worried replies are just veiled attacks, OR pretending that this wasn't the obvious conclusion of the decision to go out to a busy restaurant in California. 

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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BUtterfield 8

I’m not gonna judge from a short video clip but I do hope Britney is receiving care for her mental health and is doing whatever she has to do to stay well 

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