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Zach Campbell getting dragged for victim blaming Megan


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This was so ****ing low of him

So he just backpedaled after the veredict and is getting ate up in the comments as he should:


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YouTubers who don't really know anything should just shut up about real cases being heard in court.

I stopped following that guy ever since he hated Joanne just because the songs are not "bops." His recent attempts to make original music is pathetic. 

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Big mistake on his part but I truly believe Tory’s supporters are to blame. They did a very good job of smearing her name to everybody. I think even people that were defending her were low key thinking that she was lying because there were so many people saying so many things. She needs to go after alot of these accounts like Cardi did. 

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Zach is not team megan?? Absolutely tragic and shocking he’d take this stance… Zach sweetie this isn’t you. Someone save him lmao 

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While I have loved Zach, he has had a lot of misogynistic tendencies in the past:

- Constantly comparing female artists when it isn't warranted.

- Insulted Katy and said that she was flopping over her hair cut (among other things but that was a major point).

- Calling out women for problematic behavior but staying silent when men have done the same. (See his reaction to Camila Cabello's racism resurfacing vs the same happening to male artists).

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I absolutely fúcking HATE IT when men put women down like this so much, it literally gives me high blood pressure. These POS’s are gonna give me heart problems, y’all. 

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1 hour ago, Sorcerer said:

YouTubers who don't really know anything should just shut up about real cases being heard in court.

I stopped following that guy ever since he hated Joanne just because the songs are not "bops." His recent attempts to make original music is pathetic. 

“YouTuber” enough said. He hasn’t  held any YouTube acumen or relevance in 10 years. And even then he was lame and boring. :reductive:

I Dont Know Her Mariah Carey GIF by MOODMAN


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Battle 4 Ur Life

I’m not even pressing play I don’t want to be triggered.

I just gotta say I never expect decency or common sense from anyone who’s a “culture” sheep like this guy tbh. These kind of people will turn into the crassest humans overnight and deny basic decent values or any facts that damage their fave’s image.

For example I, like many fans for instance, will always be ashamed of the fact that DWUW ft R. Kelly happened even tho, like many people who live outside of the U.S or don’t follow celebrity news such as myself, back in 2013 I had no idea of who he was or what he’d done and it was definitely difficult to accept once it sunk in. I just honestly will do what any reasonable fan will, avoid talking about it as much as it takes.

Zack, on the other side is a just can’t get enough attention case and feels like the whole world wants to know what he thinks about anything so he deserves all the bullying he gets for opening his mouth to say s* like this and then backing out and pretending it didn’t happen. sorry, not even sorry. 

Smash With a Smile
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I always see him get dragged on twitter for being hateful towards black women.

chaeri pls
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