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Taylor Swift doesn’t make Oscar shortlist for ‘All Too Well’ Short Film


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See this is the problem I have with that "trend".. The fact that this is even making headlines in a pretty insightful journal is kinda showing the true colours in my opinion. It seems like getting a recognition by the Academy is somehow granted when you've achieved a certain status in the business. Given it's no other in similar awards like MTV VMA's or the Grammys even. Beyonce just needs to release a new album and her not getting nominated would result in an outcry by the media at this point. 

And that is the problem I have with it, there are people who put their heart and soul into their craft like acting, directing, music etc for their whole lives and don't see an Oscars nomination as the pivotal peak and deserved recognition. It seems though that people who are already "at the top" with their music like Taylor, or also Gaga for example, try to persuade success in other fields of the entertainment business to cement their status as 'icons' or 'legends', whatever that means. I don't know, on one hand I'm really happy for Gaga that she is able to show off her skills but on the other hand, must it really be the most prestigious role currently existing (Joker sequel)? We'll never get the full picture but you cannot erase the after tase it leaves that Gaga with her comparably shallow acting resume is able to snatch that role. Come for I don't care but you all call out other stars for nepotism when your fave possibly is doing the same thing even when it's not so clear. But at the end of the day, who am I even critizing when it's probably just the way how things in showbusiness work. Maybe it's better to not critizise a single person when it's the whole system that is rigged and doesn't let people who maybe deserve it more never get the chance to land an Oscar nom... there definitely is a double standard

fan-tas-tique, chic, freak, slaaaay
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Remember back in the 1970s when there was a more diverse catalog and selection of female singer-songwriters because a certain blonde, born-into-wealth, repetitive, self victimizing, former country star hadn't completed convinced the entire music industry that she was the greatest female singer songwriter of the 21st century?  


Lowkey....the same way Nicki Minaj tried to be the only girl at the top of the rap game for a few years there....I feel like Taylor Swift does that to "singer songwriter females" now. 

The GP doesn't even recognize the glory that is Kesha, Rina Sawayama, Bebe Rexha, honestly even Gaga, Mariah, and even Katy Perry as female songwriters because Taylor's team blows it up as "her thing" and created this image of her that she is the main one that does that....even though Gaga has written just as many songs as Taylor and has a catalog that is wildly more diverse than Taylor's has ever been.  

Taylor pretty much writes clever lyrics about love in the form of a folk, pop, or country song. That's it. She has never touched anything R&B, funk, new-wave, hip hop, trip hop, house, Industrial, Disco, rap, grunge, classic ballad, jazz, metal. These are literally genres Gaga has succesfully shown she can orchestrate and write. She also stays relatively in the same writing style and on the same subjects. So from even a subject matter standpoint she actually is one of the self-limiting artists compared to her peers. I'm not trying to compare females but how did Taylor become considered such an amazing singer-songwriter when she is on her 10th album and really not musically stepped out of a 3-4 genre range? I'm honestly asking. From a technical standpoint her music is pretty formulaic and not very adventurous. Do you think she just has an amazing team that knows how to gas her up?

My friend is a composer and teacher of violin, viola, and piano and they said this is why most serious classical musicians think Taylor Swift is not that well rounded. She never takes risks and any musician knows that if you want to get better you have to take risks throughout your musical learning/career. And she literally doesn't. 




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3 minutes ago, LuckyAlbum7Soon said:

The GP doesn't even recognize the glory that is Kesha, Rina Sawayama, Bebe Rexha, honestly even Gaga, Mariah, and even Katy Perry as female songwriters because Taylor's team blows it up as "her thing" and created this image of her that she is the main one that does that....even though Gaga has written just as many songs as Taylor and has a catalog that is wildly more diverse than Taylor's has ever been.  

Very that 

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