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Leaks Unappreciation Thread

Battle 4 Ur Life

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Battle 4 Ur Life

I will NEVER listen to this album before Friday and neither should any of us. this is a career defining album for Lady Gaga.

she’s finally put out something she was excited about and had the most control of since ARTPOP which is only her second album after that (minus soundtracks and jazz are mostly covers).

please give her flowers on Friday. after 4 years, 4 days is not that much to ask at all. if not us little monsters who else can she actually be counting on to support this album? spoiler: it’s not the tik tok chipmunk daycare or mainstream-fed GP (no offense at all but yeah). Smash and Die With a Smile can be seen as an outlier in this scenario.

even if you pre-ordered 20 vynils and cd, are you really gonna take the first dip on a sketchy dbree link? NOTHING is HQ compared to master copies. not even streaming is 100% HQ but it’s  the minimum we can give.

STREAM AND BUY, y’all. and marathon the discography in these 4-5 last days like the best of us.

Thanks for those who will not.

Edited by Battle 4 Ur Life
Smash With a Smile
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I pre-ordered a vinyl - my first vinyl ever, and I don't even have a turntable, but I'm few clicks away from getting one to play MAYHEM and check if I can hear any differences between turntable audio and streaming audio.

If the album leaked last week, I'd listen to it, but now, where we have only ca. 3 days, I think I'll manage to wait to listen to it legally.

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Battle 4 Ur Life
7 minutes ago, Killa said:

Oh okay

Made me lose 5 Min without refreshing the page


2 minutes ago, Mr Oak said:

Oh okay

Made me lose 10 Min without refreshing the page (I'm a slow reader)



I wish y’all best of luck on 1st grade :sue:

Smash With a Smile
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Once they are on spotify new Zealand on Thursday, I will use vpn  to stream them, it’s legal, I’m just dealing with the geolock barrier

His fart felt like a kiss
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I'm flying to NZ too but won't listen if anything leaks unofficially before that :enigma: Idk my Thursday is already so planned around that, I want to sit down with headphones and just focus on listening from start to finish. 

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14 minutes ago, Auralegends said:

You mean after 5 years (I don't count DOC)

I forgot DOC existed...

This user has been possessed by Bea Arthur
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I cannot be bothered with leaks in this day and age, I will however be traveling to New Zealand :cheeky: She'll be happy with 10 more hours of European relocated streams, no? 

Edited by princedeeblebleble
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If I bought an album and I got it like a week ahead, will I listen to it? Oh hell yeah, so I see no difference when it comes to leaks, if an album I already pre-ordered leak I will probably listen to it if it leaked ahead in good quality.

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I mean people will do what they want anyway, but it's the lack of self-control for me. like you really can't wait a week and experience the release the way the artist intended?

don't even get me started on the people who share it or ruin the release for others with their critiques and hot takes 

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My money is already given so of course I will listen if it leaks in HQ and I will also listen as soon as it releases in NZ. She wont lose anything by me listening earlier.

Estàvem al cel, ara estem a l'infern
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When they appear on my Spotify - I'll listen to it. Not opening my signed stuff for sure 

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Sneaky Oliver

Has something leaked? I saw some people saying some snippets leaked but I guess those were AI extended versions 

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