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Leonardo DiCaprio (48) has a new girl (23)


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2 hours ago, ScreamQueen007 said:

Gross. I don’t understand what older men find attractive about women that young. (Vice versa too) And it’s like if they like women that young, how young is too young for them? If laws didn’t exist would they date teenagers too? :what:

Girl Madonna dates 20 year olds and she is 60+. And if you really have to ask why or how youth is attractive (legal age of course) then idk what to tell you.

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15 hours ago, Chromatography said:

i agree, but also, it kind of makes me ick a little. like a woman is only beautiful and date-able when she’s young and it’s a common theme for women that once you hit 30 men and society in general are nastier to you.


13 hours ago, deactivated001 said:

I mean, dumping girls as soon as they turn 25 just to find another girl below the age of 25 is...pretty pathological 

Okay but these girls are well aware of who this man is , surely have access to internet and are aware that he has a type and his type is under 25 so at this point it’s plain willingness on the girls part . I don’t think these girls are that naive.

Edit: all that being said - ageism does deserve to be called out and an issue that should be made aware to men

Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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9 hours ago, LaLuna said:

Exactly. I'm a 41-year-old woman and last winter I was ghosted by a guy and I'm convinced it was because he thought I was too old for him (he was 5 years younger than me). It's depressing, and people like Leo just perpetuate the idea that women past a certain age aren't dateable. 

I’m sorry you’ve experienced that, it obviously wasn’t the right guy for you and glad he made it obvious early on. But I don’t think we should judge Leo or other people’s preferences. It is not him who perpetuates the idea, it is the media that makes someone’s private life and choices forefront of magazine news and hence puts this conversation on a pedestal. It is two consenting adults minding their business.

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2 hours ago, RihBeyGa said:


Okay but these girls are well aware of who this man is , surely have access to internet and are aware that he has a type and his type is under 25 so at this point it’s plain willingness on the girls part . I don’t think these girls are that naive.

this comment doesn’t take away from mine at all and i actually don’t see how they’re even related.


1 hour ago, thisguyN said:

I’m sorry you’ve experienced that, it obviously wasn’t the right guy for you and glad he made it obvious early on. But I don’t think we should judge Leo or other people’s preferences. It is not him who perpetuates the idea, it is the media that makes someone’s private life and choices forefront of magazine news and hence puts this conversation on a pedestal. It is two consenting adults minding their business.

it is exactly his behavior that is perpetuating this idea and the that people just keep espousing “two consenting adults” are completely missing the point. this is true, they are consenting adults and have every right to date etc. but we’re not talking about that.

it’s kind of gross as well to say it’s “putting this conversation on a pedestal”. it IS an important conversation. how many times have you seen a woman on this forum cruelly cut down because she is older (madonna, britney, etc). how many times is a woman pop star thrown away after the public doesn’t find her as attractive (ie young). it’s rampant in our culture and it is worth talking about, and leo’s pathological behavior is just another manifestation of this ageism and misogyny. 

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2 minutes ago, Chromatography said:

this comment doesn’t take away from mine at all and i actually don’t see how they’re even related.


it is exactly his behavior that is perpetuating this idea and the that people just keep espousing “two consenting adults” are completely missing the point. this is true, they are consenting adults and have every right to date etc. but we’re not talking about that.

it’s kind of gross as well to say it’s “putting this conversation on a pedestal”. it IS an important conversation. how many times have you seen a woman on this forum cruelly cut down because she is older (madonna, britney, etc). how many times is a woman pop star thrown away after the public doesn’t find her as attractive (ie young). it’s rampant in our culture and it is worth talking about, and leo’s pathological behavior is just another manifestation of this ageism and misogyny. 

I’m sorry , no, you’re completely right.  Ageism is very real and yes Leo has proven himself to be guilty of it.  I apologize. I guess I’m just glad he’s (hopefully) not going for underage girls.

Pronounced like “Balenciaga” . Emphasis on the “Ga”
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i predict he will soon be accused of pedophilia

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Whigney Houstan

Why are y'all so pressed about this "pattern" of his when these women are also very aware of it and still pursue a relationship anyways.  lol let them live.

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2 hours ago, Chromatography said:

it is exactly his behavior that is perpetuating this idea and the that people just keep espousing “two consenting adults” are completely missing the point. this is true, they are consenting adults and have every right to date etc. but we’re not talking about that.

it’s kind of gross as well to say it’s “putting this conversation on a pedestal”. it IS an important conversation. how many times have you seen a woman on this forum cruelly cut down because she is older (madonna, britney, etc). how many times is a woman pop star thrown away after the public doesn’t find her as attractive (ie young). it’s rampant in our culture and it is worth talking about, and leo’s pathological behavior is just another manifestation of this ageism and misogyny. 

Exactly, they have every right to date who they want, as long as they’re of age. That was what my comment was about, cuz current trend of demonizing everybody who goes against our own preferences and choices is quite rampant in the society, which I think is quite divisive. And especially coming from a largely queer forum where most has types like “twink”, “daddy” etc.

as for Britney or Madonna being shamed for dating younger guys, that is also wrong. Especially more wrong if we consider it usually stems from a misogynistic worldview. But calling Leo dating younger girls an example of misogyny is not it, it even takes away from the gravity of actual issue. I don’t believe it is a strong argument to justify judging somebody’s personal life by providing examples of misogyny elsewhere in the society. 
Is it an exemplary behavior? Of course not. But who are we to say who should date who.


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4 hours ago, thisguyN said:

I’m sorry you’ve experienced that, it obviously wasn’t the right guy for you and glad he made it obvious early on. But I don’t think we should judge Leo or other people’s preferences. It is not him who perpetuates the idea, it is the media that makes someone’s private life and choices forefront of magazine news and hence puts this conversation on a pedestal. It is two consenting adults minding their business.

Fair enough. It's true that there's nothing wrong with Leo dating a 23 year old, after all they're two consenting adults. But I think I'm allowed to think it's weird and a bit creepy when a man only dates women half his age. It's not uncommon I know, and at the end of the day, it doesn't affect me personally. But I just think it sends the wrong message that women are not pretty or sexy past a certain age.

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People who still care about age difference (as long as no minor involved) are so boring :enigma:

P.S. never got the DiCaprio obsession, do people love his child face? :shrug: 

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