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Lady Gaga vs. The Osbournes


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I'm sorry but can I just take a second to point out these bolded parts to you.

That's like saying "No offence, but..". Obviously the statement that follows that will be offensive.

gurrrrl bye :pukey: :pukey: :pukey: :pukey:
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I'm sorry but can I just take a second to point out these bolded parts to you.

That's like saying "No offence, but..". Obviously the statement that follows that will be offensive.

What you're doing Joe Matthews is putting every inch of blame on Gaga and making this a black and white issue. Why? I don't know. But you're failing to see the Osbourne's own faults and hypocrisy. You're making this one sided and its not.

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Obviously it does you've been here for hours harping on about it.

Yeah, I think shes full of ****. I didn't go that far earlier, Ive thought she's been full of **** since the Lindsay Lohan thing. her judgement insnt exactly the best. From Gaga's letter to kelly we can surmise that Gaga also promotes marijuana use since she went out of her way to show her fans that she smokes pot...

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I seriously can't believe the number of people who are upset with Gaga for her response. She honestly just can't win with this fanbase sometimes.

Was Gaga's letter a bit excessive? Yes. Had she chosen to ignore Kelly's remarks, this situation likely would have died in a flash, but for some reason, she chose to speak her mind about the issue this once. For whatever reason that might be, it certainly struck a chord with her.

Secondly, I'm growing increasingly sick of people bandying the word "bullying" about to the point that any sort of opposition is referred to as "bullying." Calling someone out on their bull**** =/= bullying. If anyone can provide evidence of Gaga bullying anyone, completely unprovoked, then I will gladly stand corrected, but to my knowledge, Gaga has never bullied anyone. Sure, there are situations she could have handled a bit more maturely (the Die Antwoord incident, for instance), but her actions were not the equivalent of bullying.

Thirdly, what's the deal with people defending Sharon Osbourne's letter as "maternal instinct"? Keep in mind, this is the same woman who put her family on a reality TV show which I dare say contributed somewhat to Kelly and Jack's subsequent d--g problems. I'm only conjecturing here, but from what I've witnessed, she merely seems eager for the limelight. In Kelly's own words, she doesn't even care about all this drama, while Sharon is the one stirring the pot.

We don't have to agree 100% with everything Gaga says and does, but some people seem so eager to defend her antagonists (dare I say for the sake of appearing "unbiased" and/or to dissociate themselves from the Little Monsters collective?), it makes me wonder why they consider themselves fans.

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Forget about RihRih for a second then. Let's shift this discussion over to what happened with Die Antwoord. Let's see you trying to defend her there. :usrs:

girl u digged deep to find those sorry ass arguments ur talking about?? :sick:
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Joe Matthews

I thought it was stupid. But that was one incident. Every other argument you've made holds no solid ground but you so arrogantly act like it does which is whats frustrating. You've got it twisted.

I'm sorry if I come off as arrogant, but it's just astounding to me that people could blindly defend Gaga no matter what she does, solely because she's their favorite artist. Like it or not, in order for both our arguments to work we have to act as if certain events didn't happen. That's why in my opinion Gaga is being extremely hypocritical. You can't preach love and acceptance and then knock someone down for being a lesser known band. Same goes for the Madonna fued. I can't pull out quotes in this instance since most of that shade was said at the BTWB live shows and let's be honest, who really has time to go look up those videos.

The NME tweet was a year or so ago, but again, this was during the time she was spreading the BTW message. She slammed them and their credibility, only because her album was on their "Worst Albums" list and mentioned her saying it was going to be the album of the century.

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LOL why are people so mad about it ?

Seems like the end of the world just happened here

i think were just thiersty for some gaga news tbh :laughga:
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Regardless, all of them are at fault. I'm not siding with anyone, I just see Gaga has issues too and seem to be one of few to admit it, they should have just left this all private but apparently gaga's people dont really respond to anyone.

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I guess it comes down to whether you think celebrities should directly contact their fanbases or ignore it because they don't have an obligation to do so.

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I'm sorry but can I just take a second to point out these bolded parts to you.

I can play the "bold" game too. It all comes down to which way you want to spin it, and you are trying to spin this against Gaga.

Dear Kelly,

While I wish you had reached out to me personally, as the head of the Born This Way foundation with my mother Cynthia we would like to respond. Everyday, through my music and public voice I choose to be positive and work towards a kinder and braver world with our community of followers. I encourage them to ignore criticism, stand up to bullies, know their own value and see that we are all the same and no one person is worth more than another.

I know I’m perceived as a wild child, but in reality I am woman that deeply cares for humanity. I have empathy for you Kelly, but I feel it culturally important to note that you have chosen a less compassionate path. Your work on E! with the Fashion Police is rooted in criticism, judgment, and rating people's beauty against one another. “Appearance†is the most used reason for bullying in the world. Your show breeds negativity, and over the years has even become comedic in nature. It glorifies you and Joan Rivers pointing in the camera, laughing, and making jokes about artists and celebrities as if we are zoo animals.

What about your body revolution? It used to make me truly sad when I would hear people talk about your weight when you were younger, as I was bullied too. To see you blossoming into a beautiful slender woman who makes fun of others for a living is astounding. Why not help others? Why not defend others who are bullied for their image and share your story?

I am pointing this out not to take a crack at your character, as we’ve met before and you’re lovely. However, I urge you to take responsibility and accountability for the example that you are setting for young people. They look up to you because you are famous, and if you treat others that way on TV, many adolescents at home on twitter assume your actions are acceptable: well if she does it, why can’t I? I cannot control my fans, and I discourage them from any negativity and violence, because that is wrong and hurtful -- and I do feel baldy that your feelings were hurt. However, we can all do our part in the media to set a standard of respect, compassion, and love. I wish for you to be treated with the kindness and respect that everyone deserves.

While some of my fans have learning to do, most of them share the same values as I, and it's what bonds us together. And that bond is strong.

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What you're doing Joe Matthews is putting every inch of blame on Gaga and making this a black and white issue. Why? I don't know. But you're failing to see the Osbourne's own faults and hypocrisy. You're making this one sided and its not.

this :worship:
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Would say something but got a warning point for discussing a topic so all I have to say is **** it. I dont really care. Some rich b---h complaining about twitter and another haughty rich b---h pretending to be a saint, who cares. doesn't have any effects on me. goodnight

than god heard our praiyers than :rofl:
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