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Diane Warren curious how can there be 24 writers on a song


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fragment-fragment--bul-uh...scab-uh..fragment-foot, bullet fragment foot bich!
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Lady Palutena

I don't get why people instantly specify that Diane is an older woman. She's not my favorite person but what does that accomplish, exactly? Ageism? That's the only reason I can think of...


Adoremus in caelum, Palutena. Dea luminis.
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4 hours ago, Frank Potion said:

Samples and multiple writers. It’s not that hard but Diane’s old ass wanted to get cute I guess.

How do you get nominated 15 times for a Grammy and only win once? Let’s talk about THAT, Diane. 

The only way I get it is she had 15 songs worthy being Oscar nominated and nodded. Which also proves she is a legend as a songwriter. 

No shade to Bey I absolutely love her but I don't think Beyoncé fans can even come at her for this particular point :oops:

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Just now, monketsharona said:

The only way I get it is she had 15 songs worthy being Oscar nominated and nodded. Which also proves she is a legend as a songwriter. 

No shade to Bey I absolutely love her but I don't think Beyoncé fans can even come at her for this particular point :oops:

What does songwriting have to do with performance? 

Whitney also didn’t write most of her music and it didn’t matter… 

But it’s good Gaga can do that. Not everyone can do that. 

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Just now, Frank Potion said:

What does songwriting have to do with performance? 

Whitney also didn’t write most of her music and it didn’t matter… 

But it’s good Gaga can do that. Not everyone can do that. 

I’m in the wrong thread… but I’m sure what I just said is still relevant! :iamfair:

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5 hours ago, Admin said:

A song can have a lot of writers if 1) it’s a collaboration 2) it samples something 3) it has multiple producers & probably other factors.

“Rain On Me” has 12 writers, “Sine From Above” has 15 writers. Actually Chromatica overall is a great example of this because Gaga explicitly spoke about how every song went through multiple producers and writers who all added something to it. I always thought it was a very interesting approach, especially for pop music. 

24 is a lot though

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Mother of Puppies

I mean who cares as long as the song is good?

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Its the question many people outside of this world would ask, if they looked to the booklet. Multiple samples, multiple inputs from colleagues. I mean, no one plays instruments on these records anymore, so it’s kinda like having musicians in a room. But can’t you be perplex? Should we applaud this practice? It can bring out good stuff, it has but there’s a limit to patchwork, probably

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i just do not care how many people contributed to a song as long as it sounds good and alien superstar along with most of renaissance is amazing

u can criticize bey for lots of things but criticizing her for crediting people who contributed to the song ... ? nah

i really hate this weird elitist nonsense when it comes to how many people contributed to a song. it makes no god damn sense cuz it always comes from fanbases like monsters or swifties or diane lol even though most of the songs on chromatica were passed around to multiple producers and writers, perfect illusion and come to mama were fully written before gaga even set foot in the studio and im not even gonna get into the mess that was til it happens to you's credits.

its just people being insecure that another woman that isnt their fav being successful

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The Dream responds to Diane Warren on Twitter


"You mean how’s does our (Black) culture have so many writers, well it started because we couldn’t afford certain things starting out,so we started sampling and it became an Artform, a major part of the Black Culture (hip hop) in America.Had that era not happen who knows. U good?"


"Btw I know it’s not a one on one writing contest you looking for from no one over here…… you don’t want that smoke And you know I love you, but come on. Stop acting like your records haven’t been sampled"


Looks like we won't be hearing the Star is Born songs Beyonce and Diana worked on together :(

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6 hours ago, Guillaume Hamon said:

I mean it rises quickly but 24 seems like a lot indeed. :huntyga:

Eh not when you think about what she’s sourcing. She’s sourcing songs that sampled other songs PLUS her own songwriters, too. The history of queer underground music is sampling so this is really unsurprising and especially in non-white American cultures, a lot of art is collaborative like that but ESPECIALLY black underground dance and ballroom stuff.

it’s like having a conversation with history which is kinda the point of Renaissance the album. It’s a Renaissance of the celebration that was and of that CULTURE. So having so many songwriters, honestly, just tells me she did her research on this :laughga:

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7 minutes ago, JLoveLamar said:

The Dream responds to Diane Warren on Twitter


"You mean how’s does our (Black) culture have so many writers, well it started because we couldn’t afford certain things starting out,so we started sampling and it became an Artform, a major part of the Black Culture (hip hop) in America.Had that era not happen who knows. U good?"


"Btw I know it’s not a one on one writing contest you looking for from no one over here…… you don’t want that smoke And you know I love you, but come on. Stop acting like your records haven’t been sampled"


Looks like we won't be hearing the Star is Born songs Beyonce and Diana worked on together :(


it was an odd and unnecessary thing to point out when she absolutely knows why it had so many writers. Like she made noise for what? No one was belittling her talent as a songwriter anywhere. It was silly shade but girl you gotta storm coming lmao

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