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Did you hear? Amid reports of poor ticket sales, Lady Gaga has announced that she is providing a "Born Brave" therapy bus at her upcoming concerts so young people can have someone professional to talk to about their "problems." She even displayed the bus to look like it was designed by someone who was on heavy d--gs (possibly herself). How noble of her!

Her fans claim that this is such a charitable thing to do and that she is this generation's Mother Theresa. They have posted numerous comments throughout the Internet praising their Mother Monster and throwing insults at anybody who disagrees. Her fans are too blind to realize that Lady Gaga is doing more harm than good.

Lady Gaga started off as a really fun artist whom a lot of people identified with. Songs like "Poker Face" and "Paparazzi" remain two of the most exciting and danceable hits of the past decade. Somewhere along the line -- probably with the Alejandro video -- she snapped. She basically took several Madonna videos, combined them into one, and called it "art." She then appeared with a meat dress at the MTV VMA Awards in 2010. Soon after, she announced the "album of the decade," Born This Way.

Lady Gaga announced that the album's title song, also the first single, was the gay anthem of our time. She basically took Madonna's signature hit "Express Yourself," used the exact melody, chord changes, vocal style, and changed the lyrics. She also referred to Asians as "Orients" and Latinos as "Cholas." By the time the "Born This Way" album was released, there was such a backlash that it was pathetically reduced to 99 cents at Amazon.com.

Perhaps the unexpected failure (at least compared to her previous albums) of "Born This Way" caused Lady Gaga to snap. She soon started appearing on every television show, every radio show, every newspaper, etc. to make herself appear to be relevant. Her appearances (along with the 99 cent sale) helped "Born This Way" sell over 6 million copies worldwide. Her management, however, claimed the album sold 8 million when -- in fact -- it was 8 million that shipped.

I heard this on the radio today and thought WTF!! I can only imagine the 'professionals' she has hired for this stunt.

Imagine what they will be telling those kids.


I wish this website and all the kooks who post on it can just be put down already :smh:

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Half of their crap is made up slander.

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Maybe this b---h needs to go in the Born Brave Bus and learn how to stop being a misguided asshole

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lol those idiots use the same lingo i see here tbh.

"inb4 the gaga fans flood this thread" like what?? lol.

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OMG the ignorance.. So many wrong lyrics too.. practice before you preach :smh:

The problem with Gaga is that she talks too much. The problem of this is because she wants too much attention. When you overexpose yourself to the public, you will also reveal your flaws and contradicting thoughts as you struggle to "keep it real" both your famous personna and your true self. NO STARS have perfectly hidden this, and if you keep tabs of them frequently, listen to their interviews, check out what the press has to say for them, you will sooner or later discover some conflicting sh*t they spew from their mouths. Adele, the almost infallible statue of today's music Saviour-hardly an attention ***** herself, had blurted a pretty hipocritical statement a while ago.

"I love food and I hate exercise. I donññ‚¬ñ„±t have time to work outññ‚¬©I donññ‚¬ñ„±t want to be on the cover of Playboy or Vogue. I want to be on the cover of Rolling Stone or Q. Iññ‚¬ñ„±m not a trendsetterññ‚¬©Iññ‚¬ñ„±m a singerññ‚¬©Iññ‚¬ñ„±d rather weigh a ton and make an amazing album than look like Nicole Richie and do a **** album. My aim in life is never to be skinny."

Everyone first found her speech to be extremely bold/hippie? and self-defining, and pretty unhealthy. It's true for most parts, the music and her voice speaks for themselves. Except for the fact that a few days after the Grammy, she went on VOGUE, TWICE.And it's not that un-noticeable that she had been looking extremely slimmer ever since she got famous. I don't blame her, it's healthy, and she looks a lot better. I just wanted to ask her why would she say something so boldly but couldn't stick with it?

Because she's a STAR, a SUPERSTAR.

Adele's little story can pretty much summed up Gaga's situation. If celebs want to be more famous, they can't just sit around doing what they are supposed to, they have to cross other fields, speak in depth about sophisticated subjects. And for Gaga, she wants to be seen as some sort of philantropist- peace ambassador-mother of the misfits. She desperately tries to hide the fact that she's like a singing wh*re. And I LIKED her for that. She was so care-free, she laughed a lot, talked a lot, but didn't tweet that much. Her songs are shallow as ****. But we liked them. Thatññ‚¬ñ„±s who Gaga is, and itññ‚¬ñ„±s fine. Sheññ‚¬ñ„±s a rich girl who was hardly bullied, hardly starving, hardly suffered during her life. Sheññ‚¬ñ„±s a girl who enjoys drinking, smoking, going to the biggest parties around town, getting attention and looking pretty. Thatññ‚¬ñ„±s fine on its own, sheññ‚¬ñ„±s ruining herself, and she will be the one paying for that, but when she couples all that cr*p with her anti-bullying, self-loving, peace-loving persona, things start to go all conflicting and bullsh*t. Here are just a couple of things Gaga said even the stupid-est person can see why they are wrong, but not Little Monsters.

Once upon a time, when Gaga wore the infamous Kermit dress, she explained that it was because sheññ‚¬ñ„±s anti-fur, she loves animals. Now, she dons a different animal everyday, be it foxes, raccoons or raw beef (used to be animals). Nothing is safe from her, and she even admits that she sees them as some sort of museum piece de resistence ??? Whatever those are, we can clearly see she doesnññ‚¬ñ„±t love animals as much as we thought she does.

Gaga has been bragging about how she loves attention, ever since The Fame, and yet in a recent interview as UN ambassador /peace award receiver or something, she said she has never been in it for the attention. WTF???

She admits that she ññ‚¬Å“used to have serious d--gging problemsññ‚¬ IN THE PAST and discourage her fans from her path. IN THE PAST doesnññ‚¬ñ„±t seem to be so distant it seems, because just a month or so ago, she smoked cannabis on stage, where her fans can see her, and even ranted that the leaf should be a peace symbol. More serious WTFs here. Just last yearññ‚¬ñ„±s Halloween, Gaga tweeted her private party images and I have a feeling whatever she was smoking is not ordinary cigarette.

ññ‚¬Å“YoĂƒÆ’ÂŒ and I! YoĂƒÆ’ÂŒ YoĂƒÆ’ÂŒ and I! Oh Nebraska Iññ‚¬ñ„±d rather die, without YoĂƒÆ’ÂŒ and I I Iññ‚¬©Ã±ñ‚¬ Apparently, Taylor Kinney is not from Nebraska and doesnññ‚¬ñ„±t have that ĂƒÂąĂąâ€šÂŹĂ…â€œĂƒÆ’ÂŒĂƒÂąĂąâ€šÂŹ in his name. Then who could Gaga has possibly dedicated this song to? Oh, I know, itññ‚¬ñ„±s LĂƒÆ’ÂŒc Carl, her EX-boyfriend, remember? Yeah, the one whom she would rather die than be without.

ññ‚¬Å“That money money Iññ‚¬ñ„±m your LOVER and your mistressññ‚¬©That M-O-N-E-Y so s-xy my!ññ‚¬ Apparently not, because Gaga has been known, from innumerable reminders from her, as the money hater. Oh, and she doesnññ‚¬ñ„±t have at least a dozen lines of merchandises with either her face/name slapped on them.

Her whole Body Revolution was a mess. She has always been like ññ‚¬Å“You were born this way babyññ‚¬ and yet when haters mock her about her weight gain, she lost it and started a campaign. She tweeted pictures of her saying sheññ‚¬ñ„±s fat when in fact she KNOWS sheññ‚¬ñ„±s not, she had magically lost that fat. Itññ‚¬ñ„±s a very sick joke considering all the actual fat and insecure people out there.

The examples above provide more than definitive proof that Lady Gaga is a fragile and insecure person. She is being torn between her real self, Stefani Germanotta and the industry-manufactured Lady Gaga. What we are calling hypocrisy is actually the struggle between the two. All the contradicting statements she said, we donññ‚¬ñ„±t really know which are truly hers and which are, well, capital H-E-Rs. Trust me, we are going to see a lot more foundations and charity groups in her name because as long as she feels insecure about herself, she will raise one. That is the only way to keep her from breaking. The industry will try to cover up her real self with a selfless-for the good of her fans-high above all-saint-like image, and if eventually they fail to, Lady Gaga will be no more, and the worst prospect is that Stefani Germanotta will be gone as well.

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exact melody

You'd have to be musically illiterate to say that

chord changes

About as similar as the circle of fifths and circle of fourths, so... not really

vocal style

Even if Gaga comes nowhere close technically, I'd say the vocal style really is more like Whitney's (the gasped releases after the belts, sheer intensity of those upper fourth and lower fifth octave belts, decent vibrato, etc.)

And "reports of poor ticket sales"?

g0rl those "reports" are as false as your other evidence

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