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Prominent Insider Re-Confirms Gaga/Joker News


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doja scat

ugh i wanted her to be in the MCU but I’ll take it, she’ll deliver as always  

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2 hours ago, jeremiahsaint1000 said:

i feel like if she did a superhero movie, it should be marvel and she should play a really twisted villain antagonist role. i just dont see this as being that great of a role for her - feel like DC has kinda flopped and i dont think LG could save a DC movie. 

Do you think the original Joker movie needed “saving”? DC are in the best position to get her Oscar nominations with their standalone DC films. 

This coming from someone who loves Batman and wanted the DCEU to succeed, and is painfully aware of what a catastrophic failure it has been. 

She should avoid the DCEU like the plague, but DC is the best place for her with the right property. Unless she wants to be a full time Marvel hero and do 3 films and a TV show. 

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14 hours ago, Omegahedron said:

Is Joker even getting a sequel. It seemed like a bit of a stand-alone film.

Seems like a lot of people getting excited projecting Gaga into a Harley Quinn sort of role. Which Margot owned, so I can't see that happening.


That’s that they always say until a new actor or actress nails the role. Heard this same argument when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, people claiming no one can do it better than Jack Nicholson. Then everyone was saying no one can do better than Heath. Same for Michael Keaton as Batman. Margot’s HQ is a lot more comedic  . I am 100% positive that many other actresses can nail this role better than her 

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Roughhouse Dandy
7 hours ago, tomdsgn said:

Feelings about what? Joker was an example of what happens when DC gets out of the way and let’s artists create art. And it smashed.

Right now, as someone wanting to be taken seriously as an actress - this is possibly one of the best comic book movies she could hope to be involved in.

Better than Marvel, better than the DCEU. 

Feelings about the movie Joker specifically. Imo it was an unnecessary thing to put out in the world at the moment. A well done knock off of 2 or 3 retro movies that inspired many not-so-great people to radicalize themselves and have them a new figurehead to model themselves after. If the rumor is true, I don't want even the possibility of her character becoming another one of those for unhinged women. Wouldn't be a good look for what she's trying to accomplish with her image. But that's assuming like 3 hypotheticals in a row end up being true so we'll just have to see. 

This is my Hannah Montana™️ lipgloss.
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17 hours ago, Sepsami said:

Am I the only one that wants to see her stay away from these superhero movies? :messga:

JOKER literally is not a superhero movie…it’s completely the opposite…but go off. 

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I’d die :giveup: my boyfriend LOVES all things Batman and loved the Joker movie, but he’s not a fan of Gaga. LET MY WORLDS COLLIDE! :nooo: FORCE HIM TO STAN!

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Her "I wanted to be a psychiatrist since I was 6 and to prepare for this role I locked myself in a psychiatric ward for 15 months" era is coming :bradley:

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1 minute ago, Pennywise said:

Her "I wanted to be a psychiatrist since I was 6 and to prepare for this role I locked myself in a psychiatric ward for 15 months" era is coming :bradley:

I saw some tweets saying she would say: "then I got possessed my Margot Robbie's spirit and it was consuming me. Joaquim needed to exorcise me after this"

Property of @Whale
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Just now, NicoB said:

I saw some tweets saying she would say: "then I got possessed my Margot Robbie's spirit and it was consuming me. Joaquim needed to exorcise me after this"

let's not give her ideas :air:

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anyway she's gonna be a murderess again I guess 

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Mother of Puppies

So what would her role be? :oprah:

Call me LADY MOP & I'll mop the floor with you 🧹
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3 hours ago, Mother of Puppies said:

So what would her role be? :oprah:

this. can someone follows this stuff explain a bit about harley or the other women in these stories it could be

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Imagine Gaga with this guy... in a scene like this.

Im up for it, but im scared for Gaga knowing how she prepares for a role


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16 hours ago, EGOT2027 said:

this. can someone follows this stuff explain a bit about harley or the other women in these stories it could be

Harley Quinn is basically Joker's sidekick/"love interest". But over recent years, she's become a lot more empowered and independent from the Joker and has firmly become her own character. She started out as a psychiatrist named Harleen Quinzel who took on Joker as one of her patients. Basically, she sort of gets seduced/manipulated by him into joining him in all his villain shenanigans.

There aren't really any other prominent female characters associated with Joker aside from Harley, so if the subtitle of this film, Folie à Deux, refers to Joker and [insert female character here], it's 99.99% Harley Quinn, unless they make up a brand new character for the movie.

Others have speculated that the title could be in reference to either Batman or a copycat Joker. It's probably not Batman since in this universe, Batman is much, much younger than Joker. It might be another copycat Joker, but that's just an idea people are throwing out there. Harley seems like the most logical person the title's referring to.

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I am excited but also terrified about what she'll do to prepare herself for the role. We know she can get pretty psychotic with her preparation methods and I don't want her to hurt herself mentally or physically :(

If you have some rad remixes you made laying around, send it to me!!
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