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Kim K: “Get your f--king ass up and work” - gets DRAGGED


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1 minute ago, dojo said:

two things she knows about a lot which makes her an expert, don't you think? :samanthac:

Sure babes 

Only if those 2 things were real 


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Healed My Heart
5 hours ago, MelbHawker said:

She should really think before she speaks - especially when generalizing about women. She’s so out of touch with reality - there’s plenty of women trying to make ends meet around the world but no amount of work is enough for them given the rising cost of living & the inequality regarding pay, salaries etc. There’s also a lot of women who are born into poverty, abuse, misfortune etc. who have to move mountains to get to a point where holding down a job is even a possibility, let alone running a business.

Also, she’s not a self made business. None of their success is of their own merit. They were born into privilege, wealth & their celebrity exploded by accident. I have no time for them, I only wish people could wake up & see them for what they are.

All of this

She/her 💗💜💙
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Gross. And what's sad is so many people especially young women, still idolize her and her family, and are driving themselves crazy trying to chase the lifestyle they promote. Working at jobs they hate so they can have nice things and make them feel alive and "accomplished". What really matters in life is the people around you and the experiences you have, not a lip kit or waist trainer or shape wear...

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Aga Gydal
1 hour ago, PartySick said:




HARD disagree on the "nobody wants to work" crap. That implies people are lazy and want handouts which just flat out isn't true. It's toxic af.

People don't want to work for nothing. They don't want to spend 39.5 hours making at or near minimum wage at a soul crushing job where they know the only reason they're not getting that extra 0.5 hours is 'cause it'd make them full time and they'd be entitled to benefits.

You know how many interviews I sit in on? Dozens every month. Dozens of people looking for work, wanting to work, but when they hear the sad excuse for employment we can offer to most of them, they take their resumes elsewhere. And they're right to do so.

And contrary to Kim and others' beliefs, no amount of hustle will get someone out of poverty 100% of the time. There are people who work their asses off, sweating every waking minute of the day, and they struggle to keep a dime in their pocket after providing the bare minimum for their own and their families' survival.

Then there's people who are rich just 'cause they're famous and get paid absurd amounts of cash that they don't deserve 'cause the only effort they put into their "careers" is being a dramatic idiot in front of a camera - be it a TV camera recording a stupid show about their overly complicated lives or a phone camera capturing the antics and irrelevant opinions of an "influencer".

I was in Kim's corner 'cause she's working on that law degree but if this is her delusional take on how a middle/lower class person would get ahead then maybe she should stay in her palace with the rest of her family of morons and leave liberating the working class to the working class.

"People don't want to work" omfg. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't she only famous 'cause she's related to someone tied with the OJ Simpson case and she f*cked a dude on camera and it got leaked? Lile, get tf out of here :saladga:

/rant of a working individual :partysick:

This wins the thread 

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There's no way this isn't a PR stunt to get people talking about their new show, They can't be that stupid... 

Either way, People like Kim who are born into money have no clue what it's like to actually live paycheck to paycheck. Putting in the work isn't enough, If it were we'd all be millionaires.

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3 hours ago, HausOfAntonio said:

Imagine when she finds out people work in factories 


I wonder what her concept of "work" actually is :oprah:

"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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Why does she say stuff like this? I understand she's probably talking about other wealthy women, but from the perspective of the rest of the world, it sounds so naive. I honestly think she's been burned really bad with a toxic work environment, but still. 

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publications need to stop asking celebrities these kinds of questions 

Snapchat: @phantasmas
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When these Kardashian people are gonna become irrelevant (if that it will ever happen) it will always be too late I fear.


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4 hours ago, CannaeDrive said:


I wonder what her concept of "work" actually is :oprah:

She probably doesn’t consciously think outside of her social bubble like… to her work really is a choice :rip:

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lavender blonde

I would also like to add that her complaining about "women not working and being unambitious" is so absurd because it was her and her family that promoted "jobs" like being an instagram model what most often means posting your nudes online and calling it "women empowerment" :bear:

And don't get me wrong: there's NOTHING wrong with posting nudes or even doing sex tapes or sex work. It's just not empowering for women, because if it was, women would have to FIGHT to be successful in the industry, because men would prevent them. The same thing goes for being a housewife or a female Republican politician. It's super cool if you want to do it, but don't call it "women empowerment" :ohwell:

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I used to like seeing their show 10 years ago before the Kimye era, now im just tired of seeing this womans with the same black ugly styles and their new faces every season. 

Quizás bastaba respirar, sólo respirar, muy lento...💙
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Not like she wasn't born into extreme privilege or anything. 

Remember, privilege is more than just having money. 

Privilege gives you opportunities to take risks and not take your failures so seriously and thus affecting your mental health. It gives you enough money not to have to worry about housing, food, transportation and other basics of life. It gives you healthy food so your body doesn't rot and time to workout. It gives you access to a HUGE network of people that will help you succeed. It's not about what you know but more about WHO you know anyways. 

If working hard was all that mattered to being successful, then a lot of people in third world countries working night and day for survival would be rich. But they are not.

Life is so cruel. 

trolly troll troll
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