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Is Anyone On Jamie-Lynn’s Side?


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Like genuinely on her side or sympathizes with Jamie-Lynn? I’m just really curious to see and if so, why? What sways your opinion to that side rather than with Britney? Sound off! :legend:

Also this is not me taking Jamie-Lynn’s side, don’t get it twisted lmao!!

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BUtterfield 8

Do I believe she at one point genuinely tried to help Britney? 


but she’s done way more damage than good and that can never be erased 


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22 minutes ago, weed said:

the devil

How dare you smear our favorite horned hottie's rep like this :neyde:

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Idk what to believe honestly :laughga:

But it's also none of my business. I supported Britney's freedom and she has it. I'm not buying Jamie's book regardless so :shrug:

Britney can deal with her family drama herself now tbh. All I know is that anyone who wronged her better watch out :messga:

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Cameltoe Chariot

Ol' Jamie Lynn sure has a lot to say about how Britney yelling at her was "unhinged"... :partysick:

But wasn't she the one who jumped the counter at a Subway and threatened someone with a knife? :oprah:



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Britney is free now, she is healthy, have a fiancé that loves her, her sons, $$$.

The rest are just mindless drama, like this. She won the big battle this is nothing.


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They were both raised by the same parents so I do feel sorry for Jamie Lynn because she tried to explain in that excerpt from her book about how she is also suffering with trauma caused by her parents. 

I don't know enough to be able to decide if she's a villain towards Britney but I'm another one who thinks this stuff should be dealt with privately as it's a family matter. 

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No, not really. I've always been a Britney stan, but....

She was unwell, and I think Jamie was at one point, early on, supportive. However I think the conservatorship should've ended the moment Britney started work again and Jamie shouldn't have remained silent/platonic on the matter for so long. I also completely understand that Jamie was 17 when Britney had her breakdown, and she was a new mother, at such a young age. She had her own **** going on. Do I think Jamie is a main antagonist in this? No.

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Healed My Heart

Honestly the way that she publicizes everything tells me all I need to know. If any of her intentions were pure, there's no way she would be pushing so hard to monetize her sister's tragedy.

She/her 💗💜💙
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