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New Gaga Doppelgänger Found!

Dr Fudge

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Omg she looks like EpioneGa but natural so gorgeous

Its a little jarring on Gaga because we know her original features but still this girl looks so much like her new self.


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Meta Mart

Honestly they are everywhere, and there are too many. Err heard o that epigenetics shIte, well all the girlies have turned into her, just like this vid. You go to buy a sandwich, there's lady gaga. You're browsing the bakery aisle of the supermarket, there's lady gaga. You're waiting for your pizza at the place, there's lady gaga. 


And heaven forbid you intern that they're not lady gaga. Bit h f ck you, you don't know the extent of my witchery. That **** is me!

By Century's End We Will Have Another Lady Gaga Album
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Maybe we can have that fight scene with multiple Gagas we were promised to get with the 911 mv :excited2:

Ew, David!
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