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Anna Wintour about Gaga's 2019 Met Gala Look


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I can just imagine the slay that would have been if she had attended the years where the themes were about Alexander McQueen, Rei Kawakubo, commes de garçons, Catholicism :firega:

i agree with @Lucas although if you look closely the clothes are amazing, she looked very very toned down, ik Joanne was upon us but well… 

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3 minutes ago, Lucas said:

Imo all her looks were a slay except the one when the theme was futuristic fashion or whatever...

During ARTPOP she has the bubble dress, living dress, iPad dress, Volantis... The dress from SHICD during TMB and yet that that Met Gala she just wore the worst outfit ever :sweat:

This met Gala was MADE FOR HER but idk...



The theme was technology, and her dress was partially made from gun metal/had gun powder in the actual fibers of the fabrics (they used lasers, I think?). Idk tho, It’s been so long lol  

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2 hours ago, COOOK said:

The way Gaga redeemed herself from her 2013 art performances... she went from being laughed at, to getting praise :vegas:


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