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Bullet Train Got A Release Date In 2022


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2 hours ago, Aloe said:

Pretty sure she’s not in the film because she wouldn’t have had time 

Filming was happening while she was having purple hair. I'm not saying the purple hair was for the movie, but she wasn't promoting anything while BT was filming.

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Mother of Puppies

Do you think it's good for her acting career if she is just playing a super small part in a film like that? I mean she can get a lot of interesting lead roles... and she certainly doesn't do this for the money


Maybe she isn't even in it - cuz I don't think they would skip her name because if they used her name for promotion it would obviously get even more attention... :oprah:

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Apparently she is in the film.

I read somewhere she was filming it at the time her scene on the Friends special was filmed. 

It must be a short appearance tbh. Like that Sin City short scene she had. 

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15 minutes ago, MotherOfPuppies said:

Do you think it's good for her acting career if she is just playing a super small part in a film like that? I mean she can get a lot of interesting lead roles... and she certainly doesn't do this for the money


Maybe she isn't even in it - cuz I don't think they would skip her name because if they used her name for promotion it would obviously get even more attention... :oprah:

Yes, having a fun cameo in a buzzy film is great!

I'm wondering if they're trying to keep her role a secret, like she'll pop up in a surprise way? They were always very cagey about her involvement... hopefully it's deliberate and still happening!

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