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Fave Allie X song?


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Although my favorite holy trinity is Paper Love x Science x Simon Says, I think Simon Says takes the cake. The visuals of being tied from hurting herself, the haunting electronic instrumental & outro, the lyrics and the double-interpretations that 'Simon' is either an abusive relationship or a supportive imaginary friend. It's all so perfect. :deadbanana: And the fact that Allie produced it herself makes it beyond god tier :giveup: As someone who used to be in a toxic household & basically living off my supportive friends, the line "My mom says I'll fade away, sister says that she's scared. My dad says I'll fade away, but I don't care, 'cuz Simon says I'm the best." is 100% relatable. It's all too good.

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1 minute ago, abrahamidk said:

Girl of the year and Good <3

GOTY is the gay anthem that got away. When I first heard it because of autoplay I thought it was Kim Petras :deadbanana:

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probably regulars or learning in pulblic

red wine, cheap perfume and a filthy pout
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Between Hello and Catch even though Prime and Paper Love are just a little behind.



I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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Old Habits Die Hard is unparalleled. 

Also love Downtown, Paper Love, Girl of the Year and Little Things

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Casanova by FAR

then Prime, June Gloom then Old Habits maybe

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I can't decide tbh :bradley: i love Casanova, B*tch, Fresh Laundry, and Suzie Save Your Love 

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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