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Free Woman (DEMO Remastered)


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Made a new version of my demo remaster. Hope you enjoy!


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Butters Stotch

Nice!! The demo version of this song will always be superior. I know the final version is her vision and what she intended it to sound like from the beginning, but the demo is honestly so much better. I really hope that she masters it and releases it if a Chromatica re-release is happening :messga:

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My favorite part of the leaked demo is the I want to b-b-b-b-be free forever baby.

I am authistic, so don't be offended if I make a mess sometimes.
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1 minute ago, Kadikaado said:

My favorite part of the leaked demo is the I want to b-b-b-b-be free forever baby.

I have a remastered version with that bit included on my soundcloud but YouTube keep blocking it, hence making this version! This is pitched but you can download the unpitched version from soundcloud


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Awesome job!

My fav part is honestly the 90s house beat, versus the early 00s type they use in the album version.

The demo version instantly gave me visuals of walking to the gay club at night after it rained.

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1 hour ago, Delaytica said:

Awesome job!

My fav part is honestly the 90s house beat, versus the early 00s type they use in the album version.

The demo version instantly gave me visuals of walking to the gay club at night after it rained.

this. while the album version is a good song for a sunday morning running

both versions are good, like ying and yang

kindest regards
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I still prefer the demos lyrics over the final, but this is a good mix. Great job 🥳

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The demo instrumental just helps everything flow into a melody so much better.

in the album version the prechorus doesn’t really fit toooooo well with the instrumental but here it really does. 

I do also wish Gaga kept the bridge and took out the first drop.

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4 minutes ago, gh0styguy said:

I still prefer the demos lyrics over the final, but this is a good mix. Great job 🥳


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Thanks everyone!

Please remember I do have a remastered version with the demo lyrics! I did this version because YouTube wouldn’t let me upload the original one I did 

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Remastered Demo with original demo vocals (pitched) but you can download unpitched version from Souncloud: 




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On 5/6/2021 at 9:19 PM, Delaytica said:

Awesome job!

My fav part is honestly the 90s house beat, versus the early 00s type they use in the album version.

The demo version instantly gave me visuals of walking to the gay club at night after it rained.

If only this album would have leaned more into the 90’s house beats like the demos :firega: I know the Rain On Me demo is a bit messy but I really love how it sounds straight from that era.

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That single cover!! And the remaster slays as well!! If only they had kept elements from the demo and the final version for the album 😩

I used the vocal chop at the start of the song for my remix of the song as well.

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