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Name: Brad

Code: 0318-9469-0831

Safari: Flying/ Farfetch'd Tranquill, & Tropius

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Should I get Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire or just keep playing Y? :confused: 

If you want more mega (but you can't trade them over to Y :(

Cant believe those mini legeandries are OU again. 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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Should I get Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire or just keep playing Y? :confused: 

If you like 3rd Gen I'd say get it no doubt

I really liked it, more so than the Red/Green and Silver/Gold remakes. 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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If you like 3rd Gen I'd say get it no doubt

I really liked it, more so than the Red/Green and Silver/Gold remakes. 

I never played that generation of Pokémon (only Gen 1, 4 & 6). I guess what I really want to know is if people play competitively more in OR/AS or Y/X? I never used the multiplayer mode, but I'd like to build a team and battle with people. :party: 

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I never played that generation of Pokémon (only Gen 1, 4 & 6). I guess what I really want to know is if people play competitively more in OR/AS or Y/X? I never used the multiplayer mode, but I'd like to build a team and battle with people. :party: 

I haven't played competitively in ORAS at all but I assume most people would play competitively more in ORAS than XY because of the additional mega Pokemon and the new Move Tutor :yes: 

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If you like 3rd Gen I'd say get it no doubt

I really liked it, more so than the Red/Green and Silver/Gold remakes. 

You play Pokemon? :sara:

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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I never played that generation of Pokémon (only Gen 1, 4 & 6). I guess what I really want to know is if people play competitively more in OR/AS or Y/X? I never used the multiplayer mode, but I'd like to build a team and battle with people. :party: 

I haven't played pokemon competitively since 4th gen lol. I wouldn't even know were you would get battles and stuff. 

You play Pokemon? :sara:

Yep! :flutter: 

I've played since I was a child, and got really serious with battling when Diamond and Pearl came out. Now I just play casually. 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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Katsuki Bakugo

I stopped playing after the 2nd gym :emma: 


If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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Katsuki Bakugo

If you like 3rd Gen I'd say get it no doubt

I really liked it, more so than the Red/Green and Silver/Gold remakes. 

It was really good imho. I think it is on par with what X&Y did!

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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It was really good imho. I think it is on par with what X&Y did!

It's great, but it's missing the Battle Frontier :emo: 

I've been replaying OR and I hate it when my perfectly breed Pokemon don't listen to me :emo: 

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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Katsuki Bakugo

This is a judgement-free zone, what would Ash think? :neyde: 

I wasn't judging- I was clarifying what was said- and allowing a chance to rethink :lolga:

If All You Ever Do Is Look Down On People, You Won't Be Able To Recognize Your Own Weaknesses.
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