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"UK Hun?" #1 in iTunes UK


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The UK has f’ed a lot of things up in recent times, especially during the panny d! But let’s be honest their music taste slays, first for giving ROM the recognition it deserved and now UK HUN :vegas:

Get that fire exit door, I’m off...
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oh my god ew. That was my least favorite song I EVER heard on ANY season of drag race :sharon: And I've seen them all.

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Such a great song haha, it's so wonderfully and awfully Eurovision. Been singing it all day, Bimini was giving me full 90s pop girlie with the look

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I’m happy for the queens but this song is truly god awful, it sounds like a nursery rhyme from a tv show for pre schoolers or something :toofunny: rapping over it did not help

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I have to say though Bimini doing almost like spoken word under the choruses reminds me so much of Britpop and like tracks by Underworld, truly iconic 

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chromatic puzea

ppl from the uk saying they have taste:triggered::ladyhaha:

enjoy your scones and crackers:vegas:

hard to even fathom which parts you should believe
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