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How will the journey continue? What would you love from Chromatica in 2021?

Genuine Guy 09

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Genuine Guy 09

So... As we are all holding onto the hope that more Chromatica is on the way, how do y'all think it'll happen? And what would you love to happen?

Here's what I think realistically that'll happen:

- BP the show will get postponed again, probably mid February 

- Gaga will debut pre recorded Sour Candy performance 

- Possibly a Korean or new version alongside it... 

- Silence until something else mid year


What I want to happen throughout 2021:

- the above, but with Sour Candy as an official single with full visuals in Jan/Feb. Sour Candy repeak top 10 and an airplay hit. 

- SFA performance at award shows (probably pre recorded) and another ROM performance 

- Gaga to win a Grammy 

- a full eurovision set (probably pre recoded?) 

- a remix album later on in year or earlier w/ babylon EV MV and Free Woman demo w/ MV

- a pre recoded AOL sessions style Chromatica performance 

- brand new single, Cardi collab, Adele collab, Dua collab or Bad Bunny collab 

- sickening new photo shoot and magazine cover

- A full B side of Chromatica with 8 new songs and 2 MVs 


Yes... Thats right... I'm delulu! Et tu? Are you as delulu... Lemme hear y'all thoughts my besties 



Stare at the Chartster in the mirror they talk to me too. #StreamFunTonight
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I feel like there's at least another MV on the way but couldn't say what song. 

The Chromatica Ball is going to be delayed again. There's no way it can go ahead when the pandemic is still ongoing. 

I honestly think after that we're going to get a single that isn't from Chromatica, which will sneak its way onto the Chromatica Ball set list. But it won't be on LG7. 

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Honestly, I'm thinking that the "journey" Nicola is talking about is their personal relationship :rip:

A re-issue, I guess? But I don't know how will she do it since she's starting to film Gucci in March.

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I'm honestly down for anything that is not elevator music remixes of Chromatica songs

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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numb the flame

one thing that's for certain: the tour will be postponed or better cancelled.

one thing I'd like to see: a reissue with outtakes and alternate versions of songs already on the album. 

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Genuine Guy 09
14 minutes ago, Red said:

I'm honestly down for anything that is not elevator music remixes of Chromatica songs

I love purple disco ROM remix and soffi tukker mix tho... But I want more dance music like Rinas lucid for Chromatica reissue... Or a new producer on Chromatica b side 

Stare at the Chartster in the mirror they talk to me too. #StreamFunTonight
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Just now, Genuine Guy 09 said:

I love purple disco ROM remix and soffi tukker mix tho... But I want more dance music like Rinas lucid for Chromatica reissue... Or a new producer on Chromatica b side 

The sound is good, it's the repetitiveness that kills them

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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We were suppose to have a Chromatica Listening Party but then it got cancelled after what happened in the end of May. 


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What I'd love as a minimum and what should be feasible
- 1 new official single + MV
- 2 photoshoots + interviews
- 1 spoken interview
- 1 performance
- the tour (if possible of course, hopefully)

More than this would of course be absolutely welcome!

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The journey is her going to Italy to film Gucci, munching on some Chromatica Oreos, constantly checking her Tudor watch when to post the next Haus Labs promo :heart:

Stream The Love Invention
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numb the flame
1 minute ago, ARTPOPe said:

The journey is her going to Italy to film Gucci, munching on some Chromatica Oreos, constantly checking her Tudor watch when to post the next Haus Labs promo :heart:

honestly the way you're not wrong tbh, I really don't think we'll get anything else from Chromatica besides her posting "Gheys I'm devastated, tours cancelled, go get your refunds". If Gaga decides to give her all this year and really go out for Chromatica then of course I'll be happy with it however she's just ignored Chromatica between the few week intervals she promotes it then disappears for another three months. She might have her reasons to disappear but because we don't know anything that's going on with her we just have to assume she's okay and that she doesn't care about Chromatica. If she or Bobby released a statement regarding her silence and how she's feeling I think a lot of us would be a lot more comforted and caring towards her.

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If nothing happens before or at the Grammys we should just euthanize the era, its been in a coma for too long

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Honestly I'd just love to see more music videos. They don't have to be super big productions, just look at The Weeknd and the storyline he's following. Sour Candy, Alice and Babylon just to name a few songs deserve visuals.

Chromatica with that concept and music has so much potential it hurts to go to waste. I haven't loved one of her albums this much since Born This Way so it sucks that COVID had to happen in the middle of it but at least we have it, she didn't postpone it.

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What I’d like:

- Chromatica deluxe release (2/3 new songs, extended versions of some songs. Coincides with Sour Candy’s release)

- SC video / SOME promotion :poot:

- 1 or 2 more singles afterwards (Replay, Babylon?)

- a livestream concert similar to Dua’s

Honestly, I don’t mind whether she continues to promote Chromatica or not. I promise no one will find me rage-posting here about how Gaga doesn’t love us anymore :air:

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