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Anyone from the UK order the Chromatica boxset?

numb the flame

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numb the flame

Has anybody living in the UK who ordered the Chromatica box set from the official UK store still waiting to receive it? My box set shipped Thursday evening and generally I receive orders from Gaga's UK store (and also Ariana's UK store) two working days after shipment. The UK store states "orders should arrive within 1-4 working days" and we're currently on day 3 so should I wait until tomorrows mail arrives (day 4) and then email the store if it still hasn't arrived OR wait until Thursday (7 days after shipment) and then email and request a reshipment?

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numb the flame
2 minutes ago, Plymouthgaga said:

Yes I received mine last Friday.. it’s gorgeous

I always see that England receives their orders 1 working day after shipment while Wales is also two working days

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No but I ordered mine on the German store on Friday after visiting every store in town where they all told me it was sold out or they didn't receive any even tho they were meant to. 

Ordered on Friday and it still didn't ship, even tho it still says it's in stock and that orders go out within 1 day :triggered:

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I ordered mine last thursday but I didn't know that they were actually being shipped yet. Guess I'm used to how long her other items take now

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