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When people say they don’t like Gaga


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Are you offended when people say they don’t like Gaga? Whether it be her music, voice, persona?


When do you feel personally offended?

Imo, I think it’s unhealthy and possibly a sign of insecurity to get offended on behalf of someone you don’t even know personally, especially a public figure. But what do you all think?

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Yes, I take it as a personal attack. No self respecting human being would hate Gaga unless they were homophobic, a Katy stan, or clinically dead.


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Big Reputation

Who people choose to like or dislike doesn’t really bother me at all. I agree with the OP that I think it’s unhealthy to be so offended by something said about someone you don’t personally know. If someone dislikes Gaga that’s within their right. 

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Venus Warhol

Nah. I don’t. But I don’t like when people say that they dislike someone or something even though they haven’t seen like anything about the person/or thing. Instead of just bash someone right off you could just say that you don’t know rather than just fuel hatred.

but that’s about people being judgemental and that’s another topic

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No, I just say “neither do I”.


There’s plenty to like and dislike about Gaga, you can love her and trash her, I don’t care.

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Massive Monster

I remember when I became a hard core fan when TFM was released I had a couple of "arguments" with people/ I was so offended :sweat:

It wasn't because they didn't like Gaga though, it was because they misjudged the music

Because Bad Romance and Gaga herself was so popular and remember a friend saying it sounded so mainstream/commercial and in a bad way. The laughable part  is that this same person was a Kesha stan :air:

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Guest ARTPOPSlays

When I was younger I did...but I agree with you 100%...if you get offended by other people disliking gaga that means that your probably unfulfilled by your own life and living through her accomplishments :shrug:

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No. I'm pretty much the only Gaga fan I know in my daily life. I don't try to convince anyone to like her if they don't. As long as they don't try to discourage me from listening to her/liking her. It's all good.

I do get upset/defensive when people spread crazy conspiracy theories or say things about her that are completely untrue.

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