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Webkinz has a new look after 15 years

BUtterfield 8

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I stay hoping my account doesnt get deleted I had like 30 webkinz. I havent played that game in years. I wish these old online games would have a mobile app. I need a stardoll mobile with all features.

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21 minutes ago, Xoxo Adriana said:

“Dogz” on Wii tease


You just unlocked a repressed memory that I never wanted to revisit :messga:

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omg I used to play this game. I had 2 of the stuffed animals the chihuahua and the chocolate lab :billie: I remember I named the chihuahua Willy and the lab was Chip :ally:

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1 hour ago, TheOriginalOne said:

When will Neopets :bradley:

Neopets was such a part of my childhood. :kara:

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That dog lady in the purple skirt-suit should go viral

Get the pinot ready, because it's turtle time.
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2 hours ago, Blastertoyo said:

The way this survived but Club Penguin and FarmVille are dead 


club penguin, a true loss :bradley: that game is so simple but timeless for anyone. disney really screwed it up

signing out
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