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MTV EMA 2012 Discussion


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inb4 she flies over and performs Cake :derpga:

.. or a livestream of an acoustic performance of it :laughga:

Edited by Driezewies
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Everyone tweet it and help Gaga win tonight! https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?hashtags=EMAWinGaga%2C&original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fema-twittertracker.mtv.com%2Flive%2Fpredict.html&source=tweetbutton&text=I%20think%20Lady%20Gaga%20will%20be%20the%20big%20%23MTVEMA%20winner!%20Tweet%20your%20pick%20at&url=http%3A%2F%2Fema-twittertracker.mtv.com%2Flive%2Fpredict.html

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That gangam **** is worse than Adele winning Best Choreo tbh

I know. I would scream for a week if MTN won, but i don't want to get my hopes up :fat:
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emas is my fav award show. i was hoping loreen would perform tho. winner of eurovision+ new album + she won world act, even tho it was a secret she forgot it and told it in an interview

She didn't won?

She also didn't won European act :(

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She didn't won?

She also didn't won European act :(

thats what she said. maybe they punished her xD anyhow so we know some winners already? post them

Remember that you are unique. Like everyone else.
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Imagine an Epic livestream performance from the BTWB on that huge EMA's screen, while basic b!tches sitting on their chairs being shocked. :flutter:

And after she finish, she sing "I mob you all across the floor, snatch your ****ing weaves out b!tch, In front of Paparazzi singing Paparazzi in this b!tch" :laughga:

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it will be awesome when she wins best live over greenday, taylor and muse who are all there. they didnt even get 1 million points so the award is hers?

Remember that you are unique. Like everyone else.
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inb4 she flies over and performs Cake :derpga:

.. or a livestream of an acoustic performance of it :laughga:

but i'd like it actually :derpga:

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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Is the stream making noise for you guys? It scared the crap outta me because I was on another tab. :toofloppy:

Same here :dies:

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What outfit do you guys think Gaga will be wearing if they do a livestream if she wins an award? The backstage Versace kimono/bathrobe or the Government Hooker outfit? A lot of people might be shocked seeing her with brown hair if she's not yet wearing her wig!

I'll be watching the Red Carpet and Main Show on my tv as MTV is broadcasting it! :D

Edited by BadMonster
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I THINK... That if we win Biggest Fans, we should all tweet Gaga and ask her to give us some sort of surprise! Like a snippet of ARTPOP's lead single :derpga:

but really tho.

I'm Chloe. Except the C and the L are silent.
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