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Hogwarts Legacy RPG - 2021


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Now might not be the best time to promote HP stuff :sweat: 

But it looks really interesting nonetheless. I'm interested to see more gameplay elements. I want a creature friend :bradley: 

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Omg! YAAAAAAAS! My Dreams will come True! RPG with a new stories in wizarding World. Ravenclaw I am coming!!!!!!!! 

harry potter GIF

potter GIF

Cant believe its happening :bradley: 


Only thing that i want more from HP World is HBO series :ally:

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Gays, we're gonna have to find a way to acquire this without JKR receiving pennis :vegas: they must be so mad at her omg

chaeri pls
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6 minutes ago, VenusHooker said:

JK Rowling is ready to receive your money :bear:

As if she didn't sit on one of the biggest fortunes in the world, already. 

I'm willing to give her more money, cause IT'S DREAMS COME TRUE for people who grew up on HP series :enigma:

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11 minutes ago, HausOfMark said:

what do you mean? lol

He is notoriously (despite his short stay here) anti-trans and anti-social justice on here, do not pay him any mind (or maybe warn :stalkga:)

chaeri pls
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1 hour ago, Mister Hamza said:

JK Rowling and me won :enigma:

sis we get it you're a Rowling fanatic who defends her disgusting actions. You don't need to prove it in every thread :ladyhaha:

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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12 minutes ago, BellatrixLestrange said:

REALLY nice graphics!! Never even knew this was a thing, may have to play this one


11 minutes ago, dynamite said:

So is this an online free-roaming multiplayer PC game? :enigma: omg

wait so does that not mean these 'graphics' are like the runescape/various other vid game ads - nothing like the game but just cut scene graphics :mark:

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