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Let's rewatch this iconic performance


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to celebrate the 11th anniversary of this iconic song.

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Girl, I came into this thread thinking about this EXACT performance! It's so good :bradley: 

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Just now, M Monstre said:

Girl, I came into this thread thinking about this EXACT performance! It's so good :bradley: 

Our minds ugh :bradley:

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3 minutes ago, BillieGOAT said:

The way she bled to death on domestic television:diane:

WHO ELSE???:tony:

i was so blown away :cryga:

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One of her best performance, so theatrical, from the vocals to the dancers, the dancers are amazing, the lights, EVERYTHING. Always puts me on fire for more Gaga performances. :kara: :cryga:

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This performance cemented my love and admiration for this woman back in the day. I remember being so shocked and amazed that i almost fell from my chair that night omg. This is pure art. This is clearly THE performance of Gaga. I totally knew this thread was about this one before clicking. The influence :bradley:

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Butters Stotch

Did anybody else notice how her clothes were kinda stained since the beginning of the performance? Or is it just me? Like, maybe she rehearsed with her outfit and the fake blood accidentally started to come out? Maybe that's why on that side of her clothes she has thos big crystals? To cover it... I could be reaching :oprah:

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5 minutes ago, GGVS said:

Did anybody else notice how her clothes were kinda stained since the beginning of the performance? Or is it just me? Like, maybe she rehearsed with her outfit and the fake blood accidentally started to come out? Maybe that's why on that side of her clothes she has thos big crystals? To cover it... I could be reaching :oprah:

Honestly I don't think anyone noticed at first.  I know personally I never did until watching it again later paying attention to all the other details of the performance.

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I can’t believe we are still talking about this iconic performance 11 years later. Gosh the impact :giveup:

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The visuals.

The vocals.

The bleeding.

The audience gasping.

The scream.


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This made me a stan :bradley: i keep on remembering :bradley:

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