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GTA5 To Be Re-Re-Re-Released in 2021


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Awakened M

GTA6 is the new Half Life 3:ladyhaha:

I'm not getting any sleep tonight because I woke up to a beautiful life. I'm awake.
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I LOVE Grand Theft Auto V. :giveup:Ā Iā€™m a HUGE fan of the franchise, owning every singleĀ console game, and also Chinatown Wars for iOS.Ā I play regularly online on the PS4 (ToxicHot on PlayStation Network if anyone wants to play!!! Iā€™m ranked atĀ 481.Ā :huntyga:)

Rockstar constantly updates the online mode, adding 2 major DLCs each year with dripfed material within releases.

I mean, why are you guys being negative about this? Theyā€™re obviously going to continue supporting the online experience through the PS5..... A cash grab effort, I guess.

Do I think itā€™s unnecessary? Not necessarily... ButĀ I sure as hell wonā€™t be buying a PS5 until a title EXCLUSIVE for the PS5 is out - Grand Theft Auto VI, obviously..... However, I do have a PlayStation Plus subcription thatā€™s already paid for on a yearly basis.

dOnT sAd ReAcT mE 2 bE sHaDy i WiLL RePoRt U!!1!
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I'm super grateful for Epic giving away the free PC download of GTA 5 last month. Much better than my old xbox 360 copyĀ :ladyhaha:

I'll probably be waiting for Final Fantasy 16, 7 Remake Part 2, or Kingdom Hearts' next release before I upgradeĀ :selena:Ā it'll be a couple of years, minimum.

Inb4 ps6Ā Ā 

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Reject False Icons

Guess we are gonna have to keep requesting Applause to our favorite stationĀ Non Stop Pop FM Ā :bradley:

but really imagine how tired we are the sole idea of ten years in between the release of the first trailer and the ps5 release. Itā€™s ridiculously greedy that they push it for 3 generations just for the micro transactionsĀ 

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It took the coronavirus to get me to play and beat this game. I started finishing all the open-world games that were in my backlog, like this and Assassin's Creed.

I have no interest in returning to this game on the PS5. I think I've had my fill until the next one comes out.

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On 6/13/2020 at 2:13 AM, sillynate said:

We kinda got one for PC... but my cousin bought it from the rockstar launcher (their version of steam) he said the game would crash before it even startedĀ :selena:Ā honestly Rockstar has disappointed me so much since 2013.Ā 

I meant on a console. I don't **** with PC gamingĀ :huntyga:

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