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Ajay names Chromatica AOTY

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i will y’all would say stop bullying her. she’s critiqued on her opinions for every single video and she makes money off of every single one. i didn’t watch the videos, but i’m assuming her first reaction was highly viewed so she thought it as an easy way to capitalize more viewers by making a second one. don’t think for one second that a youtube comment swayed her opinion. it’s about money, it always is.

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Chromatica I-:air: is shook

Come on and wrap that blade of grass around my hairy ass
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Daylight Jokers

I just...I moved on and accepted the fact that she didn't like the album. She never revisited albums before even when people dragged her to bits for not liking them (Rare, Manic, Sweetener), so for her to revisit Chromatica, I'm just hoping she really did it because she genuinely wanted to give it a chance, not to save face. Chromatica is more of a grower album than a shower after all.

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She seems like a genuinely nice person. Even if you disagree with her opinions, let’s please be kind to her. 

The really fantastic thing about kindness is that it's free -Lady Gaga
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50 minutes ago, WildAmerican said:

****ing laughable. Who knows if she actually likes the album or not, she's just trying to get clicks and make y'all post about her. What a joke.

That's a lot of anger for such a simple post :billie:

OT: chromatica is a grower so I'm not surprised tbh

Soft, soothing, and succulent
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Okay these are the facts:

Her Rain on Me reaction was rude, and she offered no real critiques. She did not react and dissect like she normally does. Fans got mad. 

Her initial Chromatica listen was much fairer and more like herself, but she did start off at a disservice to herself by comparing to previous Gaga work. 

I can buy that she needed a revisit, she probably realized that she wasn’t herself. So much is happening in the world right now. She regrouped, gave herself time and then gave the album another chance.

I’m glad she loves it now, it is truly a brilliant album. 

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8 minutes ago, LGs LM said:

I just...I moved on and accepted the fact that she didn't like the album. She never revisited albums before even when people dragged her to bits for not liking them (Rare, Manic, Sweetener), so for her to revisit Chromatica, I'm just hoping she really did it because she genuinely wanted to give it a chance, not to save face. Chromatica is more of a grower album than a shower after all.

she did revisit Rare tho. And she still didn't like it :billie:

Banned 04/19/2020 - 04/19/2020
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52 minutes ago, Rifek said:


Thank you for posting this!

The album grew on her, y'all! Stop being like, "YOU GUYS FORCED HER TO LIKE IT," "YOU GUYS MADE HER DO ANOTHER REACTION VIDEO," etc., etc. 

She shouldn't have been bullied in the first place, and I think that she got a lot of unnecessary hate the first time around, but y'all need to stop acting like she can't change her opinion. No one forced her to do another video. No one is forcing her to like the album. It genuinely grew on her, and that's great! Don't we want people to love our faves as much as we do?

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38 minutes ago, Chromatography said:

i will y’all would say stop bullying her. she’s critiqued on her opinions for every single video and she makes money off of every single one. i didn’t watch the videos, but i’m assuming her first reaction was highly viewed so she thought it as an easy way to capitalize more viewers by making a second one. don’t think for one second that a youtube comment swayed her opinion. it’s about money, it always is.

You saying that you didn't watch the videos invalidates your whole argument. 

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1ooo d0veZ

This year is really exposing and getting problematic folks tf up outta here. :madge:

No, I won't elaborate. I just told you.
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I don't buy it. :billie:

From "I need more time" to - revisit Chromatica then "I don't enjoy this bridge, I don't enjoy the transition, It's too much,  it sounded like it belongs to the 90s, this and that" to - Chromatica AOTY.


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7 minutes ago, M Monstre said:

You saying that you didn't watch the videos invalidates your whole argument. 

no it doesn’t. she’s paid for these videos, i’m assuming her first reaction is highly watched (am i wrong)? does another one and garners more views. i’ve said this before but you all are narcissistic af if you think your comments on gagadaily made her make another video

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